fuck the hate lol you all are just mad you dont got your own spot. go get your prop 215 rec's and maybe i'll converse more about MMJ with you guys (;
You know what man fuck you and your little fucking prop215 card seriously.. I don;t need that or non of your shit in order to pull off my gardens, and harvests.. I Have people that I deal/ sort with all over. and have been doing so for 5 years with out ever a problem. I grow my shit 100% Illegally with motherfuckin' Pride, son. and I Pull off shit like this every year

(Pictures of my gardens from last summer)
I am able to do that every fucking year bymself with out some pussy ass fucking flimsy prop215 card. and so Can anyone els... so Don't come on here blabbin' your little fuckin card in peoples faces, and talking about how your against illegal gurellia grow ops, or your going to get told to "get fucked"
I Bet the weed you grow is bunk mexican shit brick weed anyways...