Well-Known Member
just thought that this would be a good resource to check to find some people who currently have or have had sciatica in the past. what kind of experiences you've been through, any treatments or surgeries and other general stuff. 7 weeks ago tomorrow i woke up with this incredible pain in my lower back, and it has slowly but surely gotten worse and is obviously pain from my sciatic nerve. haven't had any x-rays or mri's or anything yet, because i don't have insurance and my doctor was real frank with me about the kind of costs that something like this could rack up so i'm taking his advice to try and apply for disability atleast temporarily to try and get some medical help before i get any test done and get any results, but i'm fairly sure that what i have is sciatica as everything i've read says that if it extends down below the knee, that it is in fact sciatica and mine is working it's way about 2/3's down my calf. just looking for general info and discussion, more detail can be gone into later if anyone replies. thanks.