People who call themselves "hunters"


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.................................................. . [video=youtube;bPalxIZL_og][/video]


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That statement proves/reveals NOTHING.
Besides what response it conjured up in you, yeah it's purposely ambiguous. I was just showing that beside a conscious product the industry that puts my tasty land animals and your plants on the table are the same. As April pointed out also your response to it is as to be expected from a debater with your skill set.
Again, eating meat doesn't mean you have carnivorous characteristics. Humans need to use weapons or tools because they do not possess the natural ability to hunt down prey without them. The physiological evidence speaks for itself. Just like humans could go pick up a pile of shit and eat it if they'd like, doesn't mean they were meant to do so.
Nope. Your argument is completely broken here, because you're not taking into account evolutionary traits or the history of our species. We evolved brains which allowed us to use technology which allows us to hunt differently than other species hunt. Also, there are plenty of predator animals that we evolved in symbiotic relationships with. Dogs, for instance, hunt for human beings and in return we give them companionship and love and shelter. Falconry? yeah, we hunt with birds too. Dolphins will hunt with and for us as well, herding schools of fish into the shallows where humans can catch them.

Also, we do have carnivorous characteristics. Take a look in the fucking mirror, buddy. You see those canine teeth and your lower incisors, and your fourth and fifth molars? Yeah, a good quarter of our teeth are evolved for eating meating, for tearing and cutting, not grinding and snipping grasses.

Another point you clearly do not understand is that we have one stomach. All animals with one stomach are omnivorous or carnivorous. All animals with several stomachs (the polygastric ruminants) are solely vegetarians.

One more, final fucking point about science and the human species and our categorization on this planet. In the mammal phylum (to which we belong), animals are further subdivided into two categories--Predator and Prey species. The prey species (like rabbits, deer, and sheep, and antelope, and horses) have their eyes on the sides of their heads so that they can be on the look out for predators. These animals have evolved to have almost 360 degree vision. Predators (like fox, and wolves, and bears, and humans) have their eyes in the front of their heads, so they can track the prey they are pursuing.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong or implicitly right with any diet on earth (all consumption is destruction of other organic living matter). But you are acting like a fucking idiot who couldn't pass an eighth grade biology test. We are omnivorous. We have evolved this way and we have been this way for as long as recorded history and science can tell.


Well-Known Member
I'm having steaks on the grill tonight, as soon as the rain quits. I like mine bloody as hell. I've known a couple of veg. heads over the years and I seriously think that lack of meat in a persons diet does something fucked up to their brain chemistry. They are a strange lot for sure.


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Staff member
Prior to insulin diabetics were kept alive on a meat only diet. They lived normal lifespans without diabetic neuropathy.

You say we should treat all animals as our equals. That's what your speciesism means is it not? Ok let's look at that. So a family lost their baby girl in an auto accident and her parents generously donate her heart. We have a baboon that needs a heart and your 5 month old infant. The tissue type is closer for the baboon, you get to hold your 5 month old while she turns blue and slowly suffocates.

Law of unintended consequences....


Well-Known Member
Went out for lunch with the fam today. Ate some double-cooked pork. Thinking of this thread the whole time and my conscience was killing me. I could almost hear the broccoli scream.


Well-Known Member
Check my earlier post . 2 posts before... I suppose after I finish smoking if you really want I'll put up the full list of vitamins and things along with side effects ect .......I honestly don't feel like it though and would rater you just do what I said 2 posts ago


Well-Known Member
Lol shows your knowledge on the subject. Its OK I'm cool with ignorance. Google vegan vegetarian malnourishment etc perhaps throw in children. B12, calcium, bone fracture ... I could keep going but seriously Im actually surprised you didn't know this. Most doctors frown on a vegetarian lifestyle. I mean health wise unless your taking necessary supplements
I know about the vitamin deficiencies that can occur on a vegan diet, I was asking which you were referring to. B12 can be obtained from nutritional yeast and chlorella and calcium can easily be obtained in nuts, seeds, and veggies.


Well-Known Member
Besides what response it conjured up in you, yeah it's purposely ambiguous. I was just showing that beside a conscious product the industry that puts my tasty land animals and your plants on the table are the same. As April pointed out also your response to it is as to be expected from a debater with your skill set.
No, it's not the same. Being nice to an animal before you chop it up into pieces doesn't make it any better. You still murdered it. What if after your 30th birthday, someone said, sorry, time's up, and then killed you without your consent?