people who short bags

A few years back someone posted a video of the violence in Chicago or Detroit or Flint.
It was an ambulance crew called to the scene of a shooting.
Just after they got the call a gun battle took place in front of them and they stayed parked.

It's crazy city in the USA has a situation that is out of control.

What gang will get "the bomb" first?
hopefully the cpd....
In the guy that likes to fix my bags over. My ounces are 30g, halfs are 15g, quarters are 8g my eights are 4g and grams are 1.2 or so. I would rather have a rep for big bags not short or close enough. But I am 40 not 16.

And you know exactly what you are buying when you weigh your bags heavy; you're paying- in green- for a reputation of being the guy with the heavy bags.

I bet that means you're the guy with the steady business, too.
