People who smoke cannabis to just get messed up


Well-Known Member
You know who I'm talking about. The same people who never drink just a few beers, they have to get falling down drunk every time. That kind of analogy.

I enjoy taking a few hits and getting high, but still functional, as opposed to smoking myself into incoherency. Unless I feel like just chilling out and listening to some good music, then I do like to get mind-blown stoned. But some people seem to want to try to smoke themselves to the brink of unconsciousness every time.

It seems like they're missing out on what cannabis really is and they're just in it to get messed up. Like they're into cannabis for the same reason people get into the hard stuff, to get f*cked up.

I don't know if any of you followed what I'm trying to say, but if you did, what do you think about people like that?

Sorry, that's been nagging me for a bit lately.

I know most of you will tell me to chill out and mind my own business. You're free to do so. I'm just after fellow toker's opinions though. Everyone has one.


Active Member
I have to agree with you and disagree. Maybe I'm an odd man out, but I drink so infrequently, that when I do drink, I like to get smashed with friends. With bud, I don't enjoy getting stoned. I like being functional. But I do smoke bud purely for fun, I don't have any medical problems or anything. I do know what you're saying...I think it just depends on what people get the most joy out of. The cool thing about pot is you can smoke yourself into incoherence and not have to worry about OD, poisoning, etc. Strokes and folks.


Well-Known Member
You're talking about alcoholics vs non alcoholics and it seems lame to cast a dividing line between any of us since it really is the same drive for us all. We are all doing it to get stoned, that's the point, to think you're better than anyone else is just a false illusion and a game of degrees.


Active Member
i get wat ur sayin. but i think it all depends on the mood. usually ill smoke a bowl and enjoy the high and sumtimes ill smokes blunts and enjoy that high as well. but with these "hard times" bull ish goin on i tend to conserve my weed as much as possible


Well-Known Member
I mean with drinking I can understand I don't like people who get wasted and start fights, yell and act like idiots.......................I never been around any stoners like that..........idk i'm always functional no matter how much i smoke


Well-Known Member
I just smoke it when I need it. I do use it medicinally, so it is not just about "getting high". Do I enjoy the feeling? Yes and that is the point. It alleviates my symptoms in a way that feels good. Nothing could be better in a medicine for me. Those who do it "just to get high" are entitled to their fun and why would I ever look down upon them? As long as they are not causing trouble for anyone, what's the problem?


Well-Known Member
Yes I'll agree with that, nobody likes to be around an obnoxious drunk. An out of control pothead I don't find annoying or anything though, just kind of sad and makes you wonder what troubles or drive that person has to fight and live with every day. I don't think it's a choice for people and until you've really thought about both sides of your argument it would be really easy to think less of others. (We're kind of hard wired to always think less of others who are different than we are, no matter what the difference or how small.)


Well-Known Member
iI don't like to blazed out of mind have to talk to sober people, like out in public or something (sometimes i do lol)

but if its around friends and shit hangin out somewhere I always get blazed you have the best conversations


Well-Known Member
. An out of control pothead I don't find annoying or anything though
An out of control pothead huh never seen that........I think we have been around people who don't smoke much who get super blazed off 1 hit (me on occasion) but they never bother me or anything..........I just laugh at them and say your "blazed as hell huh" and than we all laugh and its a good time


Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying. It depends how much of the session you want to remember I always think haha. Usually now I just have a bit so I don't get really confused like I used to. Just depends on mood and who you're with.
Drink on the other hand I rarely have, just to money really. Our (Brittish) drinking culture in my hometown is similar to how people smoke weed round here, they binge enough to be sick on and then act like idiots, giving the locals more reason to dislike drink and weed.


Well-Known Member
What I meant by "out of control pothead" is someone who always smokes uncontrollably and constantly. If you can't enjoy life sober and are always working on getting as trashed as you can morning noon and night then that's a real problem. (Not responsible use, chronic abuse.)


Active Member
Well I got a blunt of some skunk. If I decided to smoke it all to myself that doesn't make me a weed fiend even though I get blazed. I don't see anything wrong with getting faded.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Bombadil on this one.

i have friends who love to smoke but rarely do it and friends who smoke a lot.

i find myself falling into the category of rarely smoking, but when i do it's much more enjoyable.

if you do it all the time, even "just to have fun". then you have a problem. if you feel that you can only have fun when you smoke then you have a problem.

i don't like smoking with people like that much, it just seems like you're abusing weed.


Well-Known Member
I really like the first hour of being high, but then the euphoria wears off, and then i feel down and tired. I usually smoke in the evenings with my girlfriend, have sex and pass out. This is the BEST way for me to enjoy it, sex enhances the high, and the high enhances the sex (as long as you don't wait too long for the stoney, tired part, then its just sad).

Sometimes though, i'll go though periods of mild depression, and i'll smoke for days on end to avoid myself, my responsibilities, and other people. This SUCKS, and I hate doing it to myself, and it makes me feel worse.

So yea, sometimes i smoke to get fucked up, but i really prefer to do it with other people to develop rich relationships and enhance and enjoy my environment.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the OP - there are just some people with "addiction" problems... they will get addicted to anything and overuse the fuck out of it... it could be cannabis, alcohol, xbox, and even sex... i got friends like this i have no idea wtf to do with.

to me, the type of herb is an issue, i got some indica based plants flowering now, and i almost have to avoid smoking them in the day because they are strong, and make you melt into the couch... but, i've had some nice happy creative sativa that was great for blazin' in the day - but i'm the take a couple hits every couple of hours kinda guy... but sometimes i spend too much time with my smoke a blunt while you roll another blunt friends...