per flower already showing?

So I put this blueberry Kush out 6 day ago. I'm wondering why it is showing pistils already. will it go back in to veg. or just start to flower early. get it as a rooted clone and put it out in the sun then at night I would put cfl lights on it. and blacked it out for 6 hr. for about 10 day before putting it outside. it also got a lot of growth in 6 days.

here is some pics.



Well-Known Member
you had it on 18/6 indoors, and you brought it out at roughly 14.5 hrs of daylight, that shift in cycles makes the plant think its flowering time, and yes it will reveg

next time cue your light schedules to match better, plants can veg with less than 18 hours, and losing a few hrs of light isnt gonna cause a drastic decrease in growth
So, Is there anything that I need to do to get it veg'ing or will it just go back to veg'ing as it gets lighter for longer. I'm asking because I'm getting more clones and if it is just going to flower at that size ( no worries Ill just have a little smoke early ) I'm going to put it in a smaller pot and use that one for a plant that will get bigger. Im thinking Im going to put the next round of 5 out June 1. also someone said to cut off the pistils? is that a bad thing or good? I didn't have this problem last year. I just got the clones and put them out there but it was july 5th with 15hr 50min. light. so im a little clueless.


Well-Known Member
It will take a little while for your plant to realize the days are increasing, and however long that takes your plant will try and flower, the farther its slips into flower, the longer its gonna take to reveg. Might be smart to bring it under your cfls for a half hr after sundown, until the light hrs reach 15 outside. So rather than a slow increase by a few mins a day, your giving it a half hr jump at once, should cause it to veg again quickly


Well-Known Member
It will take a little while for your plant to realize the days are increasing, and however long that takes your plant will try and flower, the farther its slips into flower, the longer its gonna take to reveg. Might be smart to bring it under your cfls for a half hr after sundown, until the light hrs reach 15 outside. So rather than a slow increase by a few mins a day, your giving it a half hr jump at once, should cause it to veg again quickly
also your gonna have to adjust the amount of time spent under cfls, as the days get longer. So say its 14.5 hrs now, then they are under cfls for a half hr, then when the outside reaches 14.6 they are under cfls for 20 mins, so you keep the 15/9 schedule until the outside light hrs reach 15