perfect lights for closet grow??


Well-Known Member
I started with a lil cab I made with some cfl's then I cropped and bought the tent a light and a fan. Then more and more gear to get to where I am now. I am in deep having spent over 2k easy but its worth every penny for some things.

Get the air cooled light and a fan filter combo (usually cheaper) an extra length of ducting and a spare jubilee clip.

Run the filter inside the cab connected with ducting to the air cooled hood then using ducting take it outside the tent and attach the fan (it should be blowing air out).

This saves a bunch and you can reuse all that kit as you expand.

Do not skimp on soil or nutrients. The best nutrients are not necessary the most expensive ones but you will pay an arm and a leg for a decent schedule. I am currently using the full house and garden line with soil AB, multienzyme, bud xl, top booster, drip clean, magic green, shooting powder and roots excel ( I think thats it). They set me back a good amount of money but most of the bottles last for ages and ages so its cheap to maintain once you have put in the initial outlay.


This will save you a quite a bit and you can add the rest of the gear later.


Well-Known Member
Also dont feed what the nutrients say. Start at around a quarter after they look hungry ( In good soil I dont feed anything other than roots excel until week 2 or 3 of flower after the full veg period). First grows get nute burn. Dont fall into the same pit as everyone else.

Adding nutrients is easy and taking them away is a fucking nightmare and once you have to go through the ordeal you will suddenly become very cautious around plant nutrients. You will start to eye each one up as to it being beneficial or a waste of cash.

Beneficial bacteria rock ! I use trichaderma and myccorizhal fungi. They do wonders for roots.




Well-Known Member
For that many plants you would be better off with more then a 400 watter imo id go with 1-2 1000watters for best results bud wise


Well-Known Member
In a 3x3 foot space for SOG you must be mental he would never be able to deal with the heat !



so in review lol, get a long ventilation duct thing, n at the bottom of the closet is I where i put one end, i connect that to the light, n put a fan in the duct to blow air out, with a carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Filter inside the cab. connected with duct to the light.

The other side of the light connected to ducting then going outside the tent and connected to the fan.

I would mount the filter as high as possible to get the hottest air out of the grow.


Edit : Make sure you have a hole somewhere for an intake at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Depends how big it is, And really you should be making sure its light proof the last thing you want is hermies from leaked light.

I would cut a hole in the side somewhere. or at the back. Put a filter over it just a lil screen or something or things might get dusty.

Hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
Nah you need something bigger, If you get a 6 inch high powered fan it will move a good 660 cm3h that means you need an intake that can suck that amount of air. Probably a 4 inch round hole should do it ideally taken from somewhere cool.



Legal Moderator, Esq.
What you're gonna really want to do is get a 400W for that size, with a cool tube. I made my own but they aren't that expensive. You don't want to count on using the space under your closet for intake. Your best bet is to get a small fan 4" or so and some 4" ducting, you can use dryer ducting, and putting the ducting and fan coming into the room from the ceiling to the bottom. Then what you are gonna want to do is get or make *there's DIY's all over the site* carbon filter for the smell. Then you hook it up via ducting like this. Filter -> cooltube->ducting to ceiling-> high output fan. That will pull all the hot stinky air out through the cool tube and cool your entire closet. There are other ways including using Y bends and double fans but that is the simplest and it's what I use for a small closet. A 600 would probably work but it's really hot for a small area.


Well-Known Member
Its up to you, a 600 will be harder to manage the temps and humidity but better yields.

Its on you.



i mean i like what ur talking about 3oz a plant, but i want at least 2oz per plant minimum thats considered a good harvest to me


Well-Known Member
i run a 1000 watt hps for flower in an approximately 3x5 space and dont have any heat problems the door to the room is allways open and the fan is blowing outwards, to be honest if your setting up that many compartments in one room i would just go with a 400 that comes with a built in ballast and make your life easy. especially because the heats gonna rise and kill your plants that are vegging at the top.


could i make a door out of black and white polymer and duct thru that, since i can't be making holes n stuff in ceiling, and out to window, how will that work?