Perpetual Armageddon!


Active Member
6, possibly 7 new strains coming in later this week. I'll have update pics later tonight too. Gotta go over to the garden later tonight and talk business about these new strains and possibly a 3rd partner coming in. It's kind of a package deal which sucks. Either we get a partner or we don't get the strains. But the strains are SO GOOD. IDK. I'll have more of a real update tonight.


Active Member
Me too. It's the same guy I had in on the last hydro run that the new guy started half way through with. We all know each other pretty well, it's just a matter of percentages....


Active Member
K so here's the deal we worked out with the new (old) guy:

He has no hand in the grow, whatsoever. All he gets to do is sit back and watch the grow and he gets to come once a week for progress updates. He gets half the yield from the first run of his plants, minus moms, and after that gets 1/2 oz every 2 weeks until he is set up. From his harvest he is required to buy gear and start his own grow, in which he will have access to all of our strains for clones, minus the Armageddon. If he doesn't stick to the plan, we just got 16 plants of 6 strains for free.

What do you guys think? Fair? Raping him? Raping us?


Active Member
Well, the way we see it, we're already gonna get ours cause we already have the train movin'. At this point, it's free smoke, money, and strains, while helping a friend out of a tight spot. He was pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place cause he had no place to take them to and can't grow in his apt. The fucked up thing is that he wanted half the yield from EVERY harvest. Me and my current partner literally laughed in his face.... Then, when we told him he couldn't have a hand in it by any means, he was gonna walk with them... We told him "Go ahead." straight-faced as fuck and I think he realized that just cause you have plants doesn't mean shit. It's all my gear and strains, and all my partner's utility bills. We already have a few good strains, and with the limited space we have right now, any extra strains is extra headache. Needless to say he had no bargaining chips whatsoever.


Active Member
So everything is running fairly smooth now, but we ran into issues with space. Luckily everything is still in party cups... I went old school and gutted an old dresser for us to veg in while we use the closet for Mom/prop. We go back on Sunday night to get the whole tent cleaned out and to get the dresser completely assembled with the exhaust fan running and get the first round of veg started! I'll have pics up of everything that night, once everything is nice and organized!.


Active Member
I know, pics or it didn't happen... We're all meeting there Sunday night to get the tent organized and everything cleaned up. I'll be sure to take plenty of pics then. Promise. We start the first week of real veg tomorrow with a bunch of girls still in the seedling/clone stage... There's a lot going on and compared to what we originally planned for, it's overwhelming to keep track of. Here in the next two weeks or so the train should be moving right along!


Active Member
Here's a couple more shots of everything. We cleaned out the tent and still have to buy ducting for the hoods and build the veg dresser. Other than that though, everything is going well!

There's a little bit of nute burn going on because, yet again, the newbie fucked up and gave them veg tea when it shoulda been seedling tea.... Fuckin dolt. I can't wait until this pulls enough loot for me to break off on my own... Tired of people fuckin with mah muthafuckin monah!


Active Member
So things are going VERY well.... We found that none of our strains really like full strength Veg tea so we cut it back by half and all the girls are loving it. We also started blooming one Armageddon and the two bagseed guys. They get their first dose of bloom tea this weekend. Internodal spacing is about a half-inch right now, and the canopy is broad.... In another two weeks we'll add 1 Romulan, 1 Mendocino Madness, and 1 UV Purp. We've got so many strains because my partner is a strain whore and it's cool and all but I want even canopies and multiple strains in one cycle doesn't really permit that.... We still have to take a clone from the Mendo before it gets dropped into the bloom cycle. The Mendo is a fuckin keeper for sure.

Here's a complete list of the strains we have:
Armageddon, U.V. Purps, Mango x Northern Lights, Romulan, Mendocino Madness, Trainwreck, Pluto, Diesel, and Critical Jack. Out of those, we have chosen 6 of the best strains to mother and keep propagating: Armageddon, U.V. Purps, Romulan, Mendocino Madness, Diesel, and Critical Jack.

I've just been too damn busy this last week to take any pics, but I swear I will have some awesome update pics this weekend!


Active Member
We have a new addition thanks to Captain Strainwhore... We got OG Kush X Diesel or Headband or Paul Pierce as it's being called in some areas.... Supposed to be a medical strain in the neighborhood of 25%THC. We'll see in a couple months.... I'll have pics up either tonight or tomorrow, too. Not sure if I'm going tonight or not...


Active Member
Sorry so late guys. I'm in a new band and they sprung two shows on me this weekend after I've only practiced with the whole band twice... It was alright though cause I'm fuckin hardcore and have talent so everything went well! After checking in on the garden last night, we lost the two bagseed plants to male chauvinism... So it's just one Armageddon rockin for the first run. It's a little short but because we have so many we are going to see what the strain does getting flowered at 8". so we are on day 9 of flowering and here she is. My phone sucks and the closer I got the more wavy lines appeared. My apologies for the distance from the plant.IMAG0132.jpg

Here's a couple of broad shots of everything else including our ventilation setup and the ridiculous multitude of strains we have... If anyone would like a close up of a specific strain, just let me know and I will do my best. Also, I didn't think about closeups until way after the fact, but the new guy got his clones from a flowering plant apparently, and 2 or 3 of them monstercropped out and look like mongoloid retards on steroids! IMAG0129.jpgIMAG0130.jpgIMAG0131.jpgIMAG0127.jpgIMAG0128.jpg
If you closely at the first pic in the 2nd set, the girl at the bottom in the middle is one of the monstercroppers, and if you look closely at the 2nd pic, the one at the back in the middle is one of the others. I will make sure to get close ups so you can see what's actually going on under all those leaves....

Also, if anyone can point anything out we are doing wrong or if anyone has any concerns, feel free to let me know without being an arse. Or if you just want to know more about how we are doing things, feel free to ask or PM away!

:bigjoint:Have a good day all, and be sure to Roll it Up!:bigjoint: