Perpetual Grow, what about diff plant heights?


Active Member
Do most perpetual grows need more then one lamp? I like to keep my lights as close as possible. Under one lamp Im thinking the almost done buds are gonna be way taller then the plants just coming in from veg.

Was thinking I want to double AT LEAST my op. Just doing my first indoor trial with a 250hps in a cab and some CFLs for veg. Im kinda thinking about goin all the way up to 1000watt if this goes well. But maybe even just another 250. Then I could harvest once a month or so. Keep it coming steady....


Active Member
I used to have a 4' x 10' "box" with 2 600W lights mounted in a static position to the top of the box 3 feet above the base of the plants.

Inside I had 4 rows of 10 plants, and each row was a 2 week cycle. I would simply take out one row every 2 weeks, harvest 10 plants, and put the row back in with new clones.

I must say for a small space it worked pretty well.

When the plants grew up near the lights (about 3') I would super crop them so they were not touching the glass and still giving as much light as possible to other plants. I kept the base (bottom 33% of the plant) trimmed bare so growth was focused where it was getting light. Big leaves were carefully moved/folded/rolled up and NEVER cut. Heavy gauge fishing line barriers easily kept the plants separated and standing.

Harvest was anywhere from 11-15oz every 2 weeks.

I would say keep lights as close as possible, however don't sweat to much the first couple weeks because the plants are still in a vegetative state and will still gain mass height during their transition to the flowering stage. After the first 2-3 weeks of flowering they were tall enough to get all the light they need for bud production.


Active Member
i hardly ever move my lights i use milk crates under my 5 gallon buckets to raise and lower my plants im on a 20day cycle


You need at least 2 or 3 sources of light for a perpetual grow. Preferably you'd have a clone chamber to incubate the young cuttings, followed by a veg chamber to bring the young plants to size, and finally a flower bay. I've had a lot of success with increasing your wattage in the final stage to augment yield. When the plants veg you can get away with smaller wattages, but when they bulk up in flower they require greater amounts of light to produce decent yields. I used to have a setup similar to this working on a four week schedule. GL!


Well-Known Member
I grow perpetual. You'll need one light for your new seedlings, one for your vegging plants, and two for flowering - yep it's a huge height difference when they first go in compared to later stages. Technically speaking you could do one light, but your younger plants will stretch more than you want them to, if you do. Keep in mind if you're going to plant every month, how many will wind up in the flowering room at once before finish, so that you don't wind up with more plants in your flowering room than your lights can handle. They won't always get done according to when their packet says so.


Active Member
I think I might try getting another 250 hps, and building a new cabinet 4x4ft. Then I'll put in maybe 3 plants under each. Once a month I'll rotate out. So I'll have a crop under one lamp in the same box a month into flower, and then put another fresh one in under the other light, and lower that light.

Right now Ive got my 250 about 2 inches from my tops. I know a 600 or 1000 watt might be better for this size area, but two 250s should be fine if I keep short plants. Then I can keep on the small scale wattages. And I can stay under the 6 mature plants allowed for medical grows.

I also dont keep any mothers, I just take clones from my lower branches clipped for SOG. Then veg under 150 watts of CFL.