Perpetual growing 12’x24’ need advice????


Thinking about starting a perpetual grow with about 48 plants, 16 in the seedling stage, 16 in the veg, and 16 in flower. I want to go led lighting and want to know how many lights I would need in each area. (Brands, wattage, type of lighting for each area)
Also do you guys think this will be adequate enough for 48 plants? I will also be coating the walls in white or Mylar, and my ceiling height will be 8ft. Any other questions you need I will try to answer. Building this shed in the future and just want to have everything before hand, any cool things I should add to the build?
And of course the plants won’t be pushed up against the wall, I will bring them off a bit so I can get behind them.6321F051-AD26-45F2-A4F6-E4ED29110299.jpeg
How are you going to cool and exchange the air in this? How do you plan on growing hydro soil drip system?
Also gotta consider working space and access to each plant to
I am going to use window ac units and seal them so no outside can get in and put 1 in each room, as wel as a humidifier/dehumidifier in each room if need be. I will be using coco coir and maybe try out a auto watering system. I was thinking about 4 1000w led lights in the flower room, 2 1000w leds in the veg room and 1 led don’t know what watt yet but for the clone/seed room.
Also gotta consider working space and access to each plant to
I should have enough space to get around them as that’s not exactly where they will go. And I will do most of the working, mixing material etc in the clone/seed room. I might add a plastic cover to separate it from the front door and work area.
I am going to use window ac units and seal them so no outside can get in and put 1 in each room, as wel as a humidifier/dehumidifier in each room if need be. I will be using coco coir and maybe try out a auto watering system. I was thinking about 4 1000w led lights in the flower room, 2 1000w leds in the veg room and 1 led don’t know what watt yet but for the clone/seed room.
You getting those 1000W lights off Amazon?

You might be better off growing a couple plants first and see how it goes.