perpetual harvest 4,000 watt flower


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Hi everyone I have been growing now on and off for 5 years and just recently set up my new room this will be my first journal so i will do my best to describe my grow and my set up

so here it is
i grow in fox farm ocean floor its has alot of nutes already in it and with how often i transplant (about every 3 weeks) i only have to give nutes during the last few weeks of flower so i just ph my water add a lil super-thrive and im good to go
when i do use nutes i use Alaska morbloom 0-10-10 and Alaska fish emulsion 5-1-1

Flower room is 12x10x10ft with 4 1000 watt hps i will have 3 cycles of 9 plants in flower harvesting every 3 weeks with a total flower time of 9 weeks. first round i have going through are a little smaller then i plan on doing but im also running 12 through the first cycle so i am only using 5 gal pots for these plants but the next set will be in 10 gal pot most likely still deciding on that one along with co2 being introduced soon as i have the money (sometime in the next 2-3 weeks) i also have an ac unit but luckily have not had to use it yet but i have a feeling i will really soon....

veg room is 10x8x8ft with 1 t5 2 400 watts and 1 600 watt (i need 1 more 600 ill be getting that in the next 2-3 weeks as well) plants spend 9 weeks in veg (from clone so an extra 7-10 days for cloning and rooting to take place) there will be 3 sets of vegging plants and clones in the cloner at all times pretty much. These will also all be 3 weeks apart when plants are put into flower they will be about 2.5-3 ft tall and super bushy as a fim my plants
my room is not fully complete i only have 1 set of qrazy train in flower just put in today and in my veg room i kinda have a jumble of things i popped a couple new seeds (boss hog, bay dream, bay 11 and a mystery strain i got when i ordered seeds) i like to have a variety of flavors along with my second set of qrazy train and third set of qrazy train and 2 clones from the dispensary blue angle and critical mass

cloning has never been one of my strong point i can always do it but it takes awhile and my plants always seem to just about die before they root so i bought a cloner its in the mail that should help me get things straightened out in my veg room but other then that ive had really good success im gonna go take pics now ill be back in a lil while to post them



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DSCN0589.jpgso this is the outside view left is flower right is veg (still need to put the ceiling on the veg room)
these are the 12 qrazy train that i just put into flower today
these six i got from a buddy of mine who lost the ability to grow when he gave them to me they where 2-3 weeks into flower he was not sure and the transfer between rooms along with him being kinda lazy the plants got hit by shock by now they are coming back around they have been under my care for almost 4 weeks now im glad i decided not to throw them out i should have some nice smoke in another month and half or so they got about 3-4 weeks at the most im not expecting to get alot off of them but it was a good test run for the new room

these are my vegging plants the two largest ones are clones i got from the dispensary (critical mass and blue angle) the next size down is my second set of plants they should only 3 weeks behind my other ones but they have like another 4-5 weeks of veg before flower i really need to get my cloner the ones in the small 4x4 pots where just planted a few days ago they had some roots not very many but they should still live just gonna take a lil longer idk why im having so much trouble with clones this time around in my last rooms its been easier for me... my next couple sets of plants are gonna have ones with a few different size to make of for the loss of clones ive been experiencing lately luckily i have a few extra from my other set so im just gonna veg em a few weeks longer along with my seeds i have going i should be able to squeeze by with only a week or two of delay between my first couple of harvest.


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so as im sitting here smoking ive decided that i need 3 more 1000 watt lights to make a U shape in my flower room this will allow me to grow bigger plants with bigger pots.... also im going to buy all new air cooled hoods im thinking im gonna get some of the xxxl 8in air cooled hoods they sell on amazon for like $220? ea but this probably wont happen until after i harvest the qrazy train or will slowly happen over time most months i should have about $1,000 to throw at the room by the time im finished its gonna be top of the line


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got up to the room today and plugged in a 400 watt mh i got from a buddy and wouldn't you know it the breaker blew FUCK! so now its time to wire the shop again and this time im gonna do it right when i started my room the shop had no power ran to it being on a budget and being a construction worker i used what i had on had and spent the least i could on it because at the time my room was going to be much smaller and then i was going to add on to it as i got more money but as i started to build the room i figured i might as well only build it once so i went large, and its a good thing i did but now my quick fix is becoming a fire risk. so the co2 tank is going to be put on hold as im going to have to buy a new 125 amp sub panel and breakers along with about 100ft of THICK ass wire so i can properly wire it for 220 and since im going to wire the shop for 220 i might as well do the room.... i guess this is becoming a grow journal and a room redesign post but im high so im ranting about all the work i have to do... but in the end it will be magical.... please stick around post something.... say high?.... ill take more pics again in the next few days when there's a change


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got my cloner today and took some clones things are looking good i was in such a hurry when i got off work to go take new clones i forgot to grab the camera but ill talk some new pics tomorrow not a whole lot has changed since last time other then the cloner and everything's gotten bigger of course haha


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new flower room pics 1 week into flower on the qrazy train and then there is 6 other plants that are about 6-7 weeks into flower that will be coming down in the new week or two


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thanks ive been putting everything i have into it, its my pride and joy :bigjoint:I cant wait until i get into my cycle and am harvesting every 3 weeks


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ya there is nothing better then having amazing smoke that you grew yourself i hate buying weed anymore its to expensive plus growing is kinda like meditating to me its nice and relaxing.... most of the time...

thanks enoch stick around soon i will have some real nice bud porn :weed:


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so ive been sick the past few days ( i have Chrons disease) and have not spent a whole lot of time in my room latey just been doing the minimum but last night i finally started to feel better and got some work done i harvested my first set of plants and rearranged things right now i got 3 plant per 1000 watt and i think they will love it they have turned into monsters but it will be another two weeks before i put my next set in to flower (still trying to get my 3 week cycle down these ones will be 4 weeks apart but im getting closer) i will have to rearrange again but for now im gonna let them get as much light as possible.... i will post pics tomorrow


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thanks ya it can really beat the shit out of ya some days...

so i got some new pics finally this is day 15 of flower

and the veg room (clones still have not rooted but its only day 8 and they look healthy)

this is one of my seeds bay 11 by ken the maker of granddaddy purple so far im really liking the strain its super bushy and tight growth i have two of these so far they seem very similar in pheno


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also ive been thinking of buying purple max snow storm by Humboldt county has anyone used this? if so what growing medium and what was ur feeding schedule? and did u like it? any major differences?
subbed :) I have to admit im very jealous of your setup, it looks great. Has your doctor considered surgery for your chronz? a friend of mine had chronz and after years of dealing with it he had the surgery to remove it. he's been in good shape since the surgery. gained all the weight he lost back and gained a bunch more lol. keep up the good work and hope you feel better.


Active Member
thanks medicalman i have been growing for awhile and this is the first room ive ever had of this scale and im super excited about it, but it has cost a fair amount of $$ and it took a long time for me to find a secure place to do something this large not to mention all of the work ive done building the room and because i like to keep my location a secret no one else has ever been in or even seen my grow room so all the work has been done by me but its all going to be worth it i knew it would be but im really starting to see it now. my doctor did mention surgery but most of the time all i need to is smoke a bowl or too and on really bad days eat a brownie