Perpetual Harvest Hydro


Hi everyone Ive been doing a bunch of research on the perpetual harvest. Ive seen that its mostly used for the SOG method.

But my question is if i had a twelve plant set up with three separate zones.

Room1 - Cloning/vegging
Room2 - Flowering under maybe a 1000 watt for a few weeks or a few smaller lights
Room3 - Flowering under two 1000 watts

Would be able to harvest every month or would the second room just be a waste? Due to my situation i dont want crapload of small plants rather than 12 300 gram plants

Someone help?!?!


Well-Known Member
Doing same thing...

Using ebb n flow, 5gallon pots... all same systems so inner pots move from room to room. Legally im stuck at 12veg and 24 flower.

So 12 week period total. First harvest is 1month veg, 2 month flower (1 flower room is weeks 1-4 second room is 5-8) or like im doing is one flower room with 24 pots ( 2 seperate 12site ebb n flows in same room). Saves electric on ac and building 2 rooms. Also im doing scrog so cant move rooms after flowering begins.

When the first veg period (4 weeks) is 1 week from veg being over i cut clones and those clones rooted in my cloner and start veg when origional 12 goes into flower room. 4 weeks later the clones are done veg and move into flowering which now has 24 flowering(12 starting, 12 starting week 5) and second set of 12 clones should be rooted enough to be veging... harvest once a month.

If you do 12 and 12 you veg for 4 weeks and swap to flower and cut clones off the 12 1week before they go to flowering.. then you have 4-7 weeks of veg for next set before the origional 12 is done with flower.. harvest every other month but more veg time = bigger plants.

So if you allowed only 12 an 12 then you can get bigger harvest an plants in same 12 week period but harvest every other month. Allowed 12 an 24 then you can harvest every month but wont be as big but extra 12 plants get harvested in 12 week cycle.


Doing same thing...

Using ebb n flow, 5gallon pots... all same systems so inner pots move from room to room. Legally im stuck at 12veg and 24 flower.

So 12 week period total. First harvest is 1month veg, 2 month flower (1 flower room is weeks 1-4 second room is 5-8) or like im doing is one flower room with 24 pots ( 2 seperate 12site ebb n flows in same room). Saves electric on ac and building 2 rooms. Also im doing scrog so cant move rooms after flowering begins.

When the first veg period (4 weeks) is 1 week from veg being over i cut clones and those clones rooted in my cloner and start veg when origional 12 goes into flower room. 4 weeks later the clones are done veg and move into flowering which now has 24 flowering(12 starting, 12 starting week 5) and second set of 12 clones should be rooted enough to be veging... harvest once a month.

If you do 12 and 12 you veg for 4 weeks and swap to flower and cut clones off the 12 1week before they go to flowering.. then you have 4-7 weeks of veg for next set before the origional 12 is done with flower.. harvest every other month but more veg time = bigger plants.

So if you allowed only 12 an 12 then you can get bigger harvest an plants in same 12 week period. Allowed 12 an 24 then you can harvest every month but wont be as big but extra 12 plants get harvested in 12 week cycle.
Thats actually a really nice set up that i will most likely do now. Only part i didnt get was that last paragraph maybe you could reword it for me?


Well-Known Member
Yeah i put alot of time into making it a perpetual setup beforer spending money on lights ect...good thing i did cause i realized i can fit 24 plants in one room with less lights then doing 2 seperate rooms and ac and wiring for same outcome.

What setup do you wanna do 12/12 or 12/24 i can go more in detail on clone time ect.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much, you start with plant needing 12 weeks from start to finish no matter what. (4 week veg time and 8 week flower time.)

If you can have 12 veg and 12 flower at same time only than use this method if you want...

Start with having 2 rooms total. I veg room to fit 12 plants and a clone machine that holds 12 clones atleast. Then 1 flower room to fit 12 flower plants. Ok now that you have the equipment and rooms setup you need the plants... start with ROOTED clones and put them inside your veg room, care for them accordingly and end of week 3 of veg take a cutting from each plant and put inside cloner. End of week 4 move you veg plants into flowering pots. Same day the clones should be well rooted and can be planted into veg room. (Start week 5 of 12 you begin flower and new clones should be rooted and begin veg.)

Now your new clones just beginning veg cannot be moved into flowering for until current plants are finished so that gives them weeks 5 - 12 of previous cycle remaining for veg time. Now you can have up to 8 week veg time depending how effcient your cloner is(mine i have roots in 4 days and in day 7 enough to plant). When your first origional plants are cut down you will have vegged plants 6-8 weeks old(again depends on cloner) ready to go into flower room for 8 weeks. If you cut your clones one week before going into flower than you can repeat the process and harvest 12 plants that had 6-8week veg time which = alot better harvest than your first harvest of 4 week veg time... so harvest 1 time of 12 plants every other month.

My friend gave me pineapple express strain and his nute feeding chart. He uses 4gal title ebb n flow and 3 1kw lights for flowering. He veg for the 6-8 week period and harvests 4 lbs total off the 12 plants every other month. He does no training at all(no topping, no scrog, no lst ect.) He also cuts his clones after a week of flower so his veg time is really close to 5-6 weeks only cause they need to root then revert to veg cause cut while flowering... so cutting clones earlier and some training you could prob get more than 4 lb in same time.


Well-Known Member
If you can do 12veg and 24 flower legally than you can pretty much do the same process as above but you are limited to 4 week veg time as the most for a harvest every month of 12 plants...

To start you will need one veg room for 12 plants and a cloner to hold atleast 12 cuttings. You will then need either 2 more seperate rooms to hold 12 flower plants each or one room to hold 24 plants. Also you will need 2 seperate hydro systems for your flowering(one for first 4 week of flowering and one for last 4 weeks of flowering cause nutes and flushes will be different towards end of plant life)

Ok now you start again with ROOTED clones and allow them to veg for 4 weeks and like before on week 3 start you cut your clones and start the process. It is now important to have your cloning skills up to par to guarentee enough roots in 7 day start to finish so at the start of week 5 you can transfer 4 week veg time plants into your flower room(if running 2 seperate rooms for flower than put 12 into one room/ if running one big room then put the 12 in one side of the flower room)...

Now your starting week 5 and your rooted clones are transfered into veg pots on same day your as the origional 12 go into flowering. 3 weeks later you cut clones off the 12 veg because on the 4th week you continue your rotation and the cut clones go into veg pots and 2nd set of 4week plants go into flowering(either the second room setup for flower or the other half of big flower room). Half of your flowering plants(12) will now be in last 4 weeks on flowering and other 12 flowering will be in first 4 weeks of flowering... if you continue with this than you will get a harvest one time every month.

Also, you mine as well run one big room to house 24 plants rather than 2 seperate flower rooms because if you run co2 then one system will take care of room and ac will be easier. On top of that the flower rooms do not need to week specfic. Meaning flower room A can have plants start and do all 8 weeks in that room and flower room B can do start to finish all 8 weeks and still harvest once a month... flower room A does not have to only do weeks 1-4 is what i was getting at. Thats why one room will be easier and cheaper to make than 2.

To be more specfic on how i clone and get roots on day 4 and grown roots on day 7 to forfill my schedual... i have a 4gallon pot and the lid has 12 holes with neoprene's in each hole. Inside i have a submerable pump stuck to bottom and the pressure side of pump is point strait up with a pvc "t" fitting with small holes in it. So the small holes have water squirting onto the whole lid and neoprenes holding the stems. The timer is 30min on and 15min off for the pump... the cutting are cut off the plant at about 4" long and i scrape anything that goes into the bucket on the stem. Then slice acouple notches and dip into rooting solution. The 4 gallon bucket has water and cloneX solution(5ml per gal) right up until the sprayers.