Perpetual Rubbermaid Grow, CFL and HPS style


Well-Known Member
Flowering starts today. 2 rubbermaid mini grow rooms now running every day, 24/7 and 12/12. I took the healthiest plant and put her in darkness for 24 hours and now she'll be on the 12/12 schedule. Now I am thinking about getting maybe a 20 gal or whatever size to create a clone box. A place with a dim blue light and lots of humidity probably bubble cloner inside.


Well-Known Member
Well I can't flower yet... that 150 HPS is generating too much heat. going to have to switch it over to the 6" fan and a new carbon filter as well.


Well-Known Member
Alright.. shit I've been delaying flowering too long. Anyways, I think I'm ready.

The HPS has been mounted in the old CFL box, new DIY carbon filter attached, and black sheeting is thrown over the entire box like a blanket, with a hole for the carbon filter to stick out from. This should block enough light to flower without issues. It's not stealthy but once again stealth isn't a concern as far as appearance, rather smell. Temps appear to be stable.

And, 2 weeks without photos sorry, coming soon today. They are all doing well


Well-Known Member
Quick Update!

Well sometime in the next 24 hours I will move this lady into flower to keep this cycle moving. She is tall and bushy so will need to be LST'd or super-cropped, I am not sure, maybe super-crop cause I haven't tried this yet and it supposedly makes your plants explode with THC to protect itself.


Also here is a pic of the 4 plants that have been vegging up till now, and all are reasonably healthy.

Remember I still have 1 plant in flower, as of a week ago, so soon there will be 2, and then 3, and then maybe 4, after that, I do not know if there will be any room in the FR.


Well-Known Member
Tiny Update!

So now there are 3 plants flowering, and today thanks to walmart and some DIY experience, I have a bubble cloner room. It has a 800 lumen daylight bulb inside, 3-site bubble cloner with 2 small airstones. Hope its not too much light for them. Also on Friday another plant will join the flowering room, leaving us with a mother, and a couple cuttings will be rooting for the friday after next in veg mode.

The flowering plants have very small buds developing, so we at least we know flowering is underway. Pics coming soon.


Well-Known Member
@praiseodin: 32 gallons per container. 2 containers for each (flowering room/veg room). You can go bigger if you wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Here is where we are at with buddage. Still 6 weeks or so to go.

The veg room, which now has more room for new plants


And here is my cloning setup... a little bit of water leaks out of the holes that the air tubes connect thru. so I'm just not sure how to fix it yet....



There's a type of play-doh like putty that you can put around the hole and take off when you need to remove the hose. It's reusuable, though I think I remember it getting grimy after a little while.

Coffee can bubble cloner!

Cool setup. I like it. Reinforces my want to do a rubbermaid grow, but I need for them storage :(


Well-Known Member
There's a type of play-doh like putty that you can put around the hole and take off when you need to remove the hose. It's reusuable, though I think I remember it getting grimy after a little while.

Coffee can bubble cloner!

Cool setup. I like it. Reinforces my want to do a rubbermaid grow, but I need for them storage :(
Do you remember the name of it, or where I can find it?

Flowering Update

Yesterday I purchased some FoxFarm organic bloom stuff, plus a PH kit. it's watering time today, I think my tap water sits at a 7 and the plants do fine with it and fox farm ocean soil. I guess I might just do a light feeding unless someone can chime in cause I suck at PH and nutrient stuff.

OK, so I just performed the feeding. 3 Tbsp/Gal of Big Bloom for the flowering ladies at PH 6.6 or so.

I also lowered the scrog screen into the bottom tote. Througout the grow I will slowly raise them up. Its just kinda jammed in there, I need a more comprehensive solution.



Well-Known Member
Hey bro, i duno if chicken wire is the best screen to use, nothing can get through there! But if you are just concerned with the height i understand.


Well-Known Member
what do u get per plant with this set up!?
Not sure yet, but I think a nice amount!

Hey bro, i duno if chicken wire is the best screen to use, nothing can get through there! But if you are just concerned with the height i understand.
Yup I thought of that but yeah just using it to control height.

Another lady has been thrown into flower as it's Friday. Unfortunately there is no more room left now.

It may become in the future just 1 plant advances every 2 weeks if I stay with 1 FR tote.


Well-Known Member
So yesterday I had some droopy leaves, and far as I could tell there was a little moisture, deep in the soil, so I did not water them. Today they were even droopier, so these 4 plants, were watered, hopefully they will snap back, I think they will. Another plant did not show these symptoms however. So strange.


Well-Known Member
75% of the mother plant foliage completely died... Some foliage recovered and looks fine. I hope this will not cause issues later. Another plant drooping heavilly, 24 hours earlier she looked fine, so I watered her. Is my pot sizes a factor in what seems to be rapid dehydration? Also, my clones have not developed roots yet. Sigh, everything going wrong with this grow, but I realize that is all my fault.