personal smoke


Active Member
Im a real bone head when it comes to growin anything. but here it is, there is about 20 nice lil buds on this plant, not very big at all. How long will it take for them to get big enough to hang and cure them...?:confused:
im just pretty damn impatiant i guess haha, seems like weeks are just goin by with little growth. fuck it, just wait and im sure it will be worth it later bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Have you been feeding them any nutes? how long have they been flowering. looks like you still have a long way to go


Well-Known Member
i wonder why people say im growing all natural as an excuse to not feed nutes... if they were all natural they would recieve natural rain which is loaded with nutes! give them nutes!


Active Member
i wonder why people say im growing all natural as an excuse to not feed nutes... if they were all natural they would recieve natural rain which is loaded with nutes! give them nutes!
is there any way to get them nute without buying them....because im flat broke. like i said, just a lil personal. i have 2 newborn kids, no money to buy anything these days ya know. no rain in this area of so cal. should be here soon though. lol