Personal Use, Small Space, Need some help.


Active Member
Alright everyone, ive been reading and reading and reading and trying to figure out what the hell i should do. All opinions and options would be greatly appreciated. Basically im just looking for personal use like everyone. Thought about an Aerogarden, PC grow case options like that but to be honest i hear so many good things about them and bad things at the same time so it makes it hard to chose. Any ways, im just looking for someones opinion on what they would do for growing small amounts. Thanks to all.

:joint:hey, hey, hey, smoke weed all day:peace:


Active Member
Hey! How goes it? What kind of space do you have to work with? Closet, cabnet perhaps? If you jst want two or three plants then thereare literally THOUSANDS of ways to go about this. And do it damn well I might add....what is your budget looking like? Thats a huge factor for most of us as well.


Active Member
cabinet could work ,anything really. I guess i would just like it to be very stealth. Also. i would be using cfl lighting. Is there a way to figure out the right about of cfl lights i would need for a certain space? Honestly, just looking for my best option lemme know what you would do lol my ears are open. And yeah 2-3 plants would be the most i want as its just for me


Active Member
Well lets see here...2-3 attatched and you to the cfl's idea? if so Id say find the highest wattage you can find and id say AT LEAST 200 watts on those girls. Especially during flowering. 2-3 plants can be done with a very "stealthy" amount of space. The problem Ive run into with cabnet style grows is the ceilings of them. But keep in mind your space situation is alot different than mine...I have 8 ft of height in my flowering room. You wont be vegging for nearly as long as me either. soo...


Active Member
yea that is true, well i was planning on ordering some lowryders so that way i can keep em nice and short yet still produce a decent amount. Also i figured i would get some chicken wire and tie them back/ train them to get the most out of my growing space. As far as an actual place to grow size wise. What would you say would be the best thing to use to hide it in? i mean i can use something bigger then a pc grow case, they are just convenient and really easy to hide. I guess i just would like to know the correct amount of lighting i would need for the space that i have. Aside from that i know problems may occur, but in all reality marijuana is a plant, and plants are weeds, and weeds grow! lol idk either way im just lookin to score a lil extra dank to keep me keepin on


Active Member
If i were growing 2-3 plants i would do it in a cabnet. Thats where I start all of mine. It works for me because I dont have kids digging through them or anything. I use 3 75watt, 2 ftFL's and it works wonderfully. Cabnets are normally light proof as well.


Active Member
do you use that for both veg and flower? or is that just for veg? and do u just line all 3 across the top of the cabinet?


Active Member
I used it for veg'n. And the one cool thing about fl's is that you can put them an inch of so from the plants without burning them. So as the plants grows, you just move the light up with it. Now the one UNCOOL thing about them (as I learned the hard way) If you dont keep them close, the plant will stretch. I use a 1000 watt hps for flowering.