pest help


Active Member
I got these weird yellow/white ish pest, tinier then the Dot on the keyboard, and they just gettin increased as im writin this post .

they living inside the soil , new soil, that i just purchased.
they have little legs - but they very very, very small
i wish i could take a pic of them but thats impossible

I asked the seller who sold me the soil and he didnt know what im talking about and never heard of them .

My babies are 8 days old , and so far this pets is inside the soil , pop to the surface once in a while , so small i cant catch them on camera.
Dont know if they harmful , but dont want to find out when it's too late and all my babies will be flush down the toilet.
i google everything..any possible combination of : pest,soil,cannabis,yellow,white,mold insects, Whatever!!

i got an illustration pic

any suggestion ? advice ? sympathy ?


Well-Known Member
My advice is to overreact. Treat them with azatrol drench to start. They have to be eating something and also shitting somewhere, they could be root aphids.


Well-Known Member
They are more likely to be Fungus Gnat Larvae ,
have you seen any Adults flying about ?


Active Member
no adults ..
i replanet all of my seedling ,new soil, new planters, hope they didnt get stress from the movement
one of the seedling break a lil bit when i replanet ..that's means death ?