Pest ID Help: Spins Silky Threads but NOT Spider Mites


Active Member
This is my first time ever attempting to grow and I have just one outdoor plant that is 7 weeks into flowering. Yesterday, I noticed silky threads going between some of my leaves and my heart sank as I'm aware of the scourge that is the spider mite. However, after checking the bottoms of my leaves I couldn't see any insects. I removed all visible threads with a toothpick. Today, there were more threads (though still not a lot) more localized near the top of the colas. However, it wasn't until it was getting dark that I finally saw one of the fuckers; much too big to be a spider mite. I had to use flash so the color is a little washed-out but I got the best picture I could. Please help me ID this!



Well-Known Member
Probably just a spider web, spidermite webs are hard to see, even in direct light mite webs are almost see through.


Well-Known Member
And while I do welcome spiders ect, i try to keep it to a minimum if at all, you dont want webs catching anything that might mold ect.