Pest Leave Or Treat


heya grow goin really well noticed tho bout two weeks ago a little hole in one of my fan leaves and have gainned couple more since, nothin major what eva it is doesnt seem to be livin on plant also noticed edges have been munched off nothin major talkin like 6 or so leaves of around goodness knows how many basically its nothin major doesnt seem to be killin the leaves etc so wondered if its jus worth leavin am 7 weeks in to growth autoflowered 2-3 weeks ago any thoughts ? cheeers​


Active Member
Assuming indoor,
Try your best to identify the pest so that you know what you are up against, in case it is an aggressive pest. (If you can't see them, they may feed at night. check then.). You've got the right approach, if the damage is insignificant, not spreading quickly, and you are at the end of the run, there isn't much cause to spray.

Examine your cultural practices with regard to your cleaning regimen and ways the pests might enter the garden. Check your environment to see if you can make it less hospitable to them.

If you are growing outdoors, the best approach might be different. I'm sure an outdoor grower will help you out. :)


yea is indoors have seen signs of it bein munched durin day often turn plant round which done early morn and no holes on that side came home while later and found hole on fan leaf. thats why thought it may be somethin that would be seen by the nake eye as hole was noticably sized !!


Well-Known Member
If you only have 1 - 2 weeks to go you don't want to spray, but maybe I read this wrong but it sounds to me that you are only 2 - 3 weeks into flower, with still 5 - 7 weeks to go. If this is the case you need to do some pest control. It would be great if you could find and see the culprit, it will make determining the correct plan of action much easier. I'd think you'd have some sort of worm, or could be the larvae of something. I'd use a product with "Pyethrin" in it.
It's mild for a pesticide. I use fertilome fruit tree spray it's a miteicide, insecticide, & fungicide.

You can get a more specific approach if you know what you've got
Best of luck


Active Member
Pyrethrin is effective, but it is contact pesticide only, so make sure you spray the little cocksuckers directly.