Pest Problem


Well-Known Member
What do the young of the gnats look like? I was doing a bit of watering and saw a tiny white bug running around on the soil, is that anything to be concerned with?


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats don't feed on leaves so you don't see the damage. The larva feed on the small roots and take nutrients out of the soil. They will effect the yield you get. You may want to check some other threads that discuss this. I use a regimine to control them but I'm growing hydro so my process is different than you may want to use. VV


Active Member
they do feed on the leaves. and those little white things are the gnats larve. so pick up some concern from agway and stop the little guys now. and also they destroy the roots and afgter a time period the damage cant be fixed.


Active Member
Yhe I Belive I Could Have Gotten A Better Yeild But Those Dam Knats......
One Day All Of A Sudden I Had A Full Blown Infesation Out Of Nowhere......


Well-Known Member
i had gnat problems and i went to a local agawy and picked up a pesticide called CONCERN. it worked awsome,no matter how much you use it wont harm your plant. go pick some up, you wont be disapointed.
This agway, is it a local shop or more of a national chain...I've never heard of it