Pest Problem


Active Member
well i was about to water my plants they are in soil 5 gallon pots but anyways like i was saying i was about to water my plants and i noticed that there was sum kinda of nat or fly jumpin around my soil wtf so i moved the soil around a little bit and i noticed that there is a bunch of these little bastards in my soil .....does anybody have an idea on how to take care of these little bastards ...there black with wings they look like a fruit fly or sum shizzz :confused:


Well-Known Member
I heard you can put like an inch of sand on top of the soil, the babies can't get out that way... I have never tried this so try at your own risk! Anyone here with a little more experiance willing to speak up on this if they have tried it?


Well-Known Member
Fungus Gnats:
Image by Ot1: Fungus Gnat
Signs of an infestation:
Fungus Gnats are attracted to soils that are rich in compost and nutrients. They lay eggs on the surface, hatching into larvae. Those larvae feed on the root tissue, including root hairs, and the outer cell covering of the root; often leaving only the central tube of the root. External signs include discolored leaves, and systemic plant failure. Fungus gnat adults will often run across the medium and may fly if the plant is shaken.

Controlling Fungus Gnats:
Pyrethrum aerosols, as well as placing yellow sticky traps all around the plant will help control the emerging adults. Gnatrol (containing natural Bt) is highly recommended.


Well-Known Member
duct tape stripes dangling down to catch those mom&dads bustards flying around and tobacco tea for the kiddies i would say and that in a not to weak dose since those bastards reproduce fast and get is immune against such toxins as nicotine, okay may still take a while for that since it is the strongest neurotoxin in plants... just kill em all!:D


Active Member
im using fox farm .....and ive added a few things and i would say it is a poopy soil........and that pic of that little fly is exactly what it looks like .....I think ill try all the things listed above ......Thank you much for all the input ............


Well-Known Member
pest strips work well. you gotta react quickly so they dont reproduce... i think the reproductive cycle of spider mites (most common pest problem) is around 9 days so hop on it quickly and it wont be a huge problem. best of luck


Well-Known Member
hell knats are nothin wait till you get a forest covered in mites or cat or mouse. these knats i swear come out fresh foxfarms..... the life cycle can be slowed by low temps 60-70 too cold maryjane will slow too


Well-Known Member
hmmmm gnats out of Fox Farm ??? i highly doubt it!! although i bet if you called them and said it to them they would quickly say somthing or have advice for you!!


Active Member
Well Ive Tried All Kinds Of Crap And These Little Mofos Wont Go Away So Im Thinkin Im Gonna Start Using A Soiless Meduim Insted .......dam Fungis Knats Or I Really Need Gnatrol


Active Member
hang a No Pest Strip up and youll have no bugs ever.they work on spidermites also.just hang it up it has a shelf life of 4 months


Active Member
sweet ill give it a try i only have about a month left till harvest my plants dont need these friggin pests..................


New Member
Spider Mites build up a tolerance to NoPestStrips. The best thing for mites is a product called AVID. Its very expensive but some hydro stores sell little vials of it for around $15.00. All you need is five drops to a quart of water.



Active Member
i had gnat problems and i went to a local agawy and picked up a pesticide called CONCERN. it worked awsome,no matter how much you use it wont harm your plant. go pick some up, you wont be disapointed.


Active Member
CONCERN..........that sounds good cuz i swear ive used way to much spray and its affecting my growth so i would like to find a gentle but affective spray that i dont have to worrie about how much i spray ............
thanks everybody for the info