Pests,Weird Pests.


Active Member
Hello smokers of the world , CannabisGuy is here:leaf:

I got these weird yellow ish pest, tinier then the Dot on the keyboard.
they living inside the soil , new soil, that i just purchased.

any one familiar with them ? are they harmful ?


Well-Known Member
Google image search "hypoaspis miles"

They could be beneficial predators of soil dwelling pests.

Check if they match your "pest"

If they do, leave them, they help against fungus gnats.



Active Member
i google the "hypoaspis miles" , they not look like that , they are probably the tiniest creature after jerms.
lil mada fucks dont know what they are .:wall:

there is no brand to the soil , this guy that sell all the equipment, made this soil.


Well-Known Member
most places cook that soil to kill shit in it. either one of those critters is bad news.