Pesty fungus gnats


Well-Known Member
Got a fungus gnat problem I have tried drenching with azamax and they survived should I douce again? After the first dose I saw a huge decrease and didn't notice them for about 2 weeks now they are back and eating my flowers !!
reapplied azamax .6% dilution DIE GNATS DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also please stop eating my weed.
If you're not organic you could use h2o2 drench.

Or any product with BT Bascilis therengiensis (sp)

Or any product with SPINOSAD.

These will stop the larve from feeding.

But a re application of the product you mentioned should work.

Diatomaceous earth will help too sprinkled on the top surface.

Yeah snaps I got a real close up view of these things they look like small mosquitos , long legs black body black legs.
For an organic non chemical approach remember that they love manure. Clear off the first layer of soil on each pot. This will physically remove the larvae replace with fresh soil and sprinkle on some dry diatomaceous earth on the suface. Use the yellow sticky traps to catch any airborn suckers. If not dealt with the buds will act as sticky traps and you will have rotting buds due to dead gnats rotting.
If your garden is small enough start fresh and pour boiling water through pots filled with the soil you plan to use. Also avoiding over watering plants that are already wet. Plants that have been overwatered tend to attract more gnats than others.
Just to clarify what jondamon said, you want BTi not just any strain of BT. Also make sure you remove any standing water & let the soil/media dry down. Fungus gnats are often a sign that you are over watering.
Hi there I've had these a few years, bad infestation plant saucers were full of dead ones, every watering plants, turned lime green and looked healthy 1week before.
The best way I've learned to knock these little $4#& out

1St stop over watering
2Nd spray top layer of soil with pyrtherin Walmart sells
A good one by garden safe brand.
3Rd cover top layer of soil
With ether sand,perlite or hydroton at least 2 inches
4Th water with insecticide soap works to dry larva out
Just cover your soil with a layer of perlite, that should work like a charm. And stop watering as much as you probably are, fungus gnats are far more common in perpetually moist soil.
Don't know if u get it in the states but I used gnat off a soil drench and that got rid if them alone after a few applications. Saw some1 on here saying great white bennies also get rid of the gnat lavea. I hate those litte fuckers
Great white if I'm correct is just Mycorhizae.

Mycorhizae attach to the roots in a symbiotic nature and actively extend the roots to feed better.

Trichoderma helps to fight medium pests and also helps convert decaying matter into nutrients.

GNATROLL, GNATOFF, gognats, etc are all Bascilious therengiensis products which stop the larvae from feeding.

Predatory nematodes, hypoaspis miles, pirate bugs are all known killers of fungus gnats.

Sand on the top of your medium still allows gnat access via your drain holes.

If they keep coming back you have to find out why and how?
Usually open windows or on you when you come in from outside.

E-pen solution!! I have read all about nicotine being toxic to fungus gnats. There are many ideas involving cigaretts which stink...

Ive tried lots of remedies soap peroxide blah blah blah... And they all work to 75% population reduction but last night i saw gnats in a terrarium of mine (open top) i blew in my e-pen vapor (level 18 nicotine) and the gnats died inside of 10 seconds.

Ill not speak to the possible side effects because i dont grow consumable plants. Only decor. No live animals.

All i know is i have next to no gnats!!

I used a small tent and hot boxed it with vapor, with peroxide watering im good to go!!

P.S. Anyone else have them fly in their eyes....?!?! Ya me too... Never again