pet peeves

Greasy hair and keanu reeves. Derailed threads is a pet peeve ahem...
I HATE being poked or tapped when someone wants my attention. I hate it when people leave cabinets or closet doors open (huge issue at my house, drives me bonkers.) Idiots on the road in any form. (Are you seriously swerving because you're turning the page of that NEWSPAPER YOU ARE READING?!) I have a decent amount of road rage with them, but I am working on it. People who cut in line. People who don't cover their mouths when they cough. Anyone rude in any way to an elderly person. This ranges from letting the door close on someone with a walker because you couldn't be bothered to hold the door to complaining in line behind them at the grocery store because they use checks or coupons or something. Rolling your eyes at me when I'm talking. My sons are the ones who know this best.