Pet problems


Well-Known Member
Over the last 2 years everytime i start a grow One of my cats eat it Im a big animal lover so hurting them out but screaming at them has gone no where Their just no reasoning with them
Ive started again & have my eyes on it at all times when their in the house
Oh putting them outside is out their not fixed yet Putting them in a not used room`s out Id have to pay to heat it which i aint got the money for
i have the same issue with my dog and cat, my dog ate some of my cuttings a while back,
i put up a small fence in front of the plants to keep the pets out , just use the garden wire/chicken wire fence
its the only way, pets love the weed too .. let them have a little bit lol
me too...i got three cats, one is kitten..i found the best way is grow grass just plain grass that you can buy it at petsmart or petco...i put one in my kitchen let cats eat it...its good healthy for them...grass is like a medicine for them...they wont eat my cannabis plant that way :)

I dont know if its just my cats...i noticed that when my cannabis start flowering and you can smell the fresh buds , all of my cats are avoiding...because of the smell ?

well their inside but i got a aquarium over them for now but yeah i think the wire/chicken wire fence & some grass from outside could be my only hope in 2 months or about we`ll have a tax check then they`ll be outside cats (get the last 5 fixed) all of them I done it last year but the car threw a rod Do they ever love it & its the same to everytime Last grow they got 6 inches tall walked out to check the mail BAM time to start over from seed Its been very disappointing to at last have a home with no landlord Grew two years Get my own place in the middle of no where No people around cant see otheir yard or house smoke a joint on my porch every morning I got one to smoke Only 1 cars ever uses this road one at 5am then he comes back by at 3 pm But i cant grow in our yard or woods helicopters, hunters, & deer
Anyone of them could make for a very bad day I had a friend where i grew up with 15 plants behind his barn They landed in his yard as he was trying to destroy them He got 2 years done a little over half
Thank yall for your suggestions :) party on party safe
Yeah i seen that where they just get out of jail ;) its on youtube & so are two of the movies but i dont think anybody's The newest yet
I been trying to get my friends to watch it "Its like my names earl but with drugs & ........... very little reform " I can relate ;) grew in a trailer park myself
I aint seen all the shows yet but my favorites got to the one where the boy gets busted jeckin before his show ;) " dont laugh it could happen too you "
Lucky for me no bust in my teen years & Im at a age now of yeah i was what of it
Seems you have a choice to make. The cats or the weed. Seems like a VERY straight forward decision to me.

Personally, if it eats, shits & needs to go to the Dr., i'm not interested.
........................... well we seen what choice Ive made in the passed One would reason that be my choice in the future
Someone drop a knocked up one I couldnt grab till she had 3 more litters Not say say i wouldnt have got a cat very soon I just wasnt looking to have so many But I`ll clean up & raise someone elses mess as i tend too because one leads though example I. E. if everyone did the world wouldnt be such a freaking mess Also Ive waited a longtime to have my own farm like we did as a child & mom always had a cat As a child she would put rocks on a stove & heat them up to keep her warm on the walk to school One the cat was going crazy to get in the house she walked away from the stove to let him in & the rock over heated then blow up had she not let the cat in she`d been standing near the rock so she credited one for her life & in grained be kind to animals You wouldnt be here if not for the kindness of a cat also it wasnt the cats habit to act a fool to get in the house nor did the cat ever do it again This story back by her brothers sisters and my grandma
spray bottle...My cats think if they get to close. the plant will spit in there face..Don't laugh it works. Yes you will have to make alittle effort and be consistent.
How hard can it be to fence off some plants to your cat? Maybe instead of screaming with it to try and reason, just remove it's access?
if you always talk with your cats, you´d be surprised how much they begin to understand.

i just say to them "you can nibble on the big ones but leave the little ones alone :)"

they always listen (caught them in the act a few times) (got 5 cats, had to repeat myself a few times :))

but they need greens, id grow some grass for the cats (get catnip if you can (you´ll need a cabinet really to grow it fullsize though lol (armored cabinet) or get some of the grass specially marked for cats to eat (helps their digestion) but plain old parakeetseeds (not hempseeds) will work great and they will love it, should sprout in 2-3 days)

they will nibble on most things green, if they are edible (wont come near poisoned plants in most cases)

though some cats just love marijuana.

its probably though just a need for green, so id get some parakeetseeds and sprout them somewhere and then introduce it to the cats.
i just use hydro huts, i have 3 cats and a chihuahua all who love laying on small plants in 5 gal pots, or in the top of 12 gal pots.. so i got a hydro hut and there are no problems, they've lost interest in that room all together. do you have a room full of sunlight for them? i find that helps too, we've got a 4 bedroom house, and 1 room is sunny and full of cat stuff and their couch.
Not ready but the big window in the kitchen gets a lot of light in the winter when the leaves fall Theirs a hill & 1000s of acres behind my house No aint got a room for them till early spring really & the cat want in when its cold the boys so i let them in Its mostly 2 females cats I brung in some grass from the yard to let them eat yesterday & they`ve already got one of 5 I got wrap around it at this second To reflect the light plus I`ll hear it if it moves
Ty :) hydro huts I`ll mark that for the coming tax time