PETA The Discussion


New Member
well there is no cure for TB

Strep throat if gone untreated can turn into Rheumatic fever which if left untreated can damage your heart valves causing death.........


Well-Known Member
I will tell you this… I love stake so much I would do nothing in the world to change how I get my meet. When I was in a long far away we found a cow… One of the guys I was with was a butcher so he said that he would carve the cow up for us if we did the deed. So being that none of us had a good stake in a while we put a couple rounds in the old girl and just watching them cut it all apart really took my appetite. So the moral of this story is… I love to eat the stake that I didn’t have to see be ripped apart… I have seen sicker shit than that, and to this day I don’t know why it grosses me out? In the summer time I barbeque every day. That is a lot of stake chicken and corn. So yea, about PETA every time I run into one of their “volunteers” with all their emaciated skin, I just turn my head and avoid the studed argument they try to start with me.


Well-Known Member
I too enjoy meat almost everyday. Right now we're raising a blind bull to butcher, his name is Stevie. The best meat is always the meat you kill yourself.

The only point PETA makes that I agree with is that animals could be treated and slaughtered in a more human way.


Well-Known Member
My personal favorite is the sledge hammer to the head. I saw a veterinarian at a government lab try that with a ball-pien hammer. i guess he had a learning problem. 10 hits and one violent bull.


Well-Known Member
I know right.

If I could see the chick the milk came from I might be still nasty. That might be right up there with drinking sperm.

lmao oh my god lol. exactly fuck dat. dat nasty i swear i won't eat ice cream if they r gunna do that. them fucks need to eat a damn hamburger for gods sake and realize dat thats what animals (especially cows) were built for. to feed humans. fuckin nasty next thing u kno instead of cavear people gunna be eatin overies. fuckin nasty. see i might suck a tittie every now n then but im not drinkin the milk and KNOW what breast milk taste like (don't ask) and its the worst and imagine eating a whole container of ben and jerrys after smokin a couple of blunts and then u look on the side and it said CONTAINS BREAST MILK. lol im tellin u, the worse.


New Member
I'm really glad those lions in Africa use painfree methods of killing their meals. Crocodiles too. I bet none of their prey feels anything......doh.

Nature is cruel and kind, you can't have one without the other. If there were no predators, to cull the weak and sickly in nature, we'd have all these retarded herbavores running around starving because there wouldn't be enough food.

If is wasn't meant to be, nothing would have evolved in that direction.


Active Member
okay the best and lowest fat new meat to try is... GOAT!
kill one of those little fuckers and eat em... they are delicous


Well-Known Member
Growing up in the Mediterranean I am familiar with goat. Not very tasty, Low fat low meat big smell. Curry the goat. Has someone ate a baby seal?


New Member
Since peta like the idea of ice cream made of human breast milk, I wonder what they think of this?

Doctor Allegedly Used Body Fat As Fuel

Liposuction Remains Supposedly Used For Biodiesel

POSTED: 5:43 am PST December 23, 2008

A Beverly Hills surgeon used body fat taken from his patients during liposuction to fuel two SUVs, according to a report on
The site said Dr. Craig Alan Bittner turned the fat into biodiesel, which is more commonly made from vegetable oils, though analysts said about half of the U.S. supply comes from beef or pig byproducts.
"The vast majority of my patients request that I use their fat for fuel -- and I have more fat than I can use," Bittner wrote on his Web site, Forbes said. The site was not functional Tuesday morning. "Not only do they get to lose their love handles or chubby belly but they get to take part in saving the Earth."
Forbes said it is illegal in California to use medical waste to power vehicles, and Bittner was being investigated by the state's public health department.
The fueling operation was reportedly discovered when patients complained about Bittner's medical abilities.
Forbes also said Bittner has closed his practice and moved to South America. Bittner's lawyer did not return calls from Forbes.

I'm really sure those patients asked him to do that, give me a break, I bet they didn't know and most still don't.