petition to ban holocaust deniers and white supremacists

Should we ban the holocaust deniers and white supremacists?

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Keyword FORMER.

Double fail.

Keep trying

Picking on someones grammar that is what this is reduced to now?

In my short time here I haven't done much but I helped this sites supporting seed bank by exposing a major flaw in there website.

I have to ask buck what have you done here so great, That you can pick and choose who stays and goes simply because someone doesn't follow your nut ball agenda??

You have almost 40,000 posts I bet you well over half of them are you race baiting , labeling people and spamming threads. You can't even debate in the politics section without calling someone a name .
so what.

uncle bucks had 40,000 posts in 3 years

definition of a no life right there ...

get a life and quit moaning at other's virtually in cyber space. go and shove your politically 'correct' opinions down you neighbours throats
your "contributions" are better suited to stormfront than to a cannabis website.
And what "contributions" do you make buck? I thought you liked playing with us and didn't want us gone because it is fun for you? Did someone beat you at your own game AGAIN. LOL Your self-loathing is starting to show son. Your spellchecker responses don't work on everyone.
No, The definition of denial is me saying it didn't happen, period. Why is it denial because I don't happen to believe the absurd figure of 6 million? If I thought the government weren't lying, corrupt, greedy SOBs, who never mislead the public then fine. But what we are talking about here is propaganda to justify their war mongering. Just as you say I cannot claim with any conviction that the number is inaccurate, neither can you claim that all these dignified (state taught and approved) historians are being or even can be accurate. How could they possibly accurately measure that sheer number of people way back in the 1940s? Its not like they kept log books or buried them in marked graves. Like I said, if you can pull out the proof, which I HIGHLY doubt exists then I will eat humble pie, but until then as far as I'm concerned the number 6 million may well be the propaganda from the extremely untrustworthy ruling class.
No, The definition of denial is me saying it didn't happen, period.

false. denial is saying the number is false, claiming that the nazis didn't systematically kill jews, claiming that the overns were fake, etc.

just because you don't say "i deny it" doesn't mean you're not a denier. holocaust denial is well-defined already, deal with it.

Why is it denial because I don't happen to believe the absurd figure of 6 million?

because you're claiming that it is some sort of conspiracy, which is a very anti-semitic thing to imply.

many, many historians have gone over the evidence time and time again. you're clearly not a very bright person, so i highly doubt that you're going to prove all those historians wrong and all the evidence to be false.
i'm not trying to "muster sycophants", the only people doing recruiting are the neo-nazi scumbags you are part of.
Please post some proof where any of us claimed to be neo-nazis. Please post proof of us "recruiting" people. We are a small group of like minded people that talk amongst ourselves. We aren't here preaching our beliefs. Why so butthurt? I don't get it.
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