Petition to change 2-5 nanogram impairment laws


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if we could create a petition to quash the 2 nanogram and 5 nanogram impairment laws.
2 nanograms is nothing, yet you can get a maximum fine of $1000 if it is detected in your blood while operating a motor vehicle.
5 nanograms is still nothing, yet is considered impaired in Canada.
I read somewhere that 150 nanograms is the limit allowed to preform in the Olympics.

These laws are pure bullshit.
wow are you fkin serious ??? 2 ng is a fkin fine ???

this video shows 3 people in colorado smoking weed and driving a closed course ... they test their blood levels a couple times throughout... one guy was at 20ng after smoking 0.9, 1.75 hours later he dropped to 12.9 - but the habitual daily user Addy (she's funny lol) showed up already 3x the legal limit ... she smoked 1.4g and an hour after her last hoot she was still at 58.8 nanograms .. the other guy also smoked 0.9 and 2.5 hours after his last puff he was still 11.1 nanograms... it's basically banning all medical users from driving ... someone richer than me should fight it in court.... please?

wow are you fkin serious ??? 2 ng is a fkin fine ???

this video shows 3 people in colorado smoking weed and driving a closed course ... they test their blood levels a couple times throughout... one guy was at 20ng after smoking 0.9, 1.75 hours later he dropped to 12.9 - but the habitual daily user Addy (she's funny lol) showed up already 3x the legal limit ... she smoked 1.4g and an hour after her last hoot she was still at 58.8 nanograms .. the other guy also smoked 0.9 and 2.5 hours after his last puff he was still 11.1 nanograms... it's basically banning all medical users from driving ... someone richer than me should fight it in court.... please?

...and this shows that people are cognizant enough to know when they shouldn't be driving...but again, it will be information that's ignored.
wow are you fkin serious ??? 2 ng is a fkin fine ???

this video shows 3 people in colorado smoking weed and driving a closed course ... they test their blood levels a couple times throughout... one guy was at 20ng after smoking 0.9, 1.75 hours later he dropped to 12.9 - but the habitual daily user Addy (she's funny lol) showed up already 3x the legal limit ... she smoked 1.4g and an hour after her last hoot she was still at 58.8 nanograms .. the other guy also smoked 0.9 and 2.5 hours after his last puff he was still 11.1 nanograms... it's basically banning all medical users from driving ... someone richer than me should fight it in court.... please?

Wasn't that done in WA state not CO?
I said day one they will make the new pro II laws.... so patients are criminals....because the losing feds with MMJ had no recourse to deal with us other than to make us look like the enemy and the drug smoking criminals we are..
That wont go over to well in court...(:

bongsmilieI have ZERO worry that Ill beat the fucks in court! :)
I'd sign that, bullshit law will get struck down on the first challenge. I thought I'd seen that someone out west is already fighting it. You're right, as-is every medical user can't technically drive or will be subject to being charged :(
If they get it going count me in. A month eical patients we ate always above their limit. Half makes me scared to drive in fear of being pulled over even if not after medicating.
The law is only as strong as it's ability to get a conviction. While the law may say 5 ng is impaired, I can easily prove to a judge that I am not impaired at many times that amount. The law will change....
well, they aren't saying 5ng is impaired... they are saying 5ng is their arbitrary cutoff limit and any more is illegal regardless of impairment, precisely because it's difficult if not impossible to actually prove impairment with cannabis
well, they aren't saying 5ng is impaired... they are saying 5ng is their arbitrary cutoff limit and any more is illegal regardless of impairment, precisely because it's difficult if not impossible to actually prove impairment with cannabis
I know what they are saying, but if there is no basis to indicate impairment, the law does not meet the criteria set out in the Charter. It's the law that will be fought, not the 'impaired' charge.
It's the law that will be fought, not the 'impaired' charge.
it's not an impaired charge ... it's a charge of "driving over the legal limit" it's the same thing with alcohol, it doesn't matter if you're drunk or not, if you're over 0.08 that it...

but i agree, it shouldn't be treated the same, as a medical user essentially i'll never be able to drive... my strategy is the same as it has always been though, and that's just never give them a reason to pull me over... and if i get caught smoking a joint driving or something i'll just say it's a CBD only medicinal strain
it's not an impaired charge ... it's a charge of "driving over the legal limit" it's the same thing with alcohol, it doesn't matter if you're drunk or not, if you're over 0.08 that it...

but i agree, it shouldn't be treated the same, as a medical user essentially i'll never be able to drive... my strategy is the same as it has always been though, and that's just never give them a reason to pull me over... and if i get caught smoking a joint driving or something i'll just say it's a CBD only medicinal strain
It will still be challenged and changed. Alcohol has a scientifically and universally accepted BAC level that "is likely to cause impairment". No such number exists for cannabis nor can one be arbitrarily picked out of a hat. The purpose of the law is to protect the public and it falls well short of achieving that. They need to forget the idea that technology will solve the problem and go back to the basics. A roadside sobriety test and a short conversation will determine if a person is fit to drive. Everything can be recorded and used as evidence for prosecution or defense, so it's no longer the cop's word against the accused.
Using the CBD joint defense will not work - it is illegal to consume cannabis inside your vehicle.
wow are you fkin serious ??? 2 ng is a fkin fine ???

this video shows 3 people in colorado smoking weed and driving a closed course ... they test their blood levels a couple times throughout... one guy was at 20ng after smoking 0.9, 1.75 hours later he dropped to 12.9 - but the habitual daily user Addy (she's funny lol) showed up already 3x the legal limit ... she smoked 1.4g and an hour after her last hoot she was still at 58.8 nanograms .. the other guy also smoked 0.9 and 2.5 hours after his last puff he was still 11.1 nanograms... it's basically banning all medical users from driving ... someone richer than me should fight it in court.... please?

Just play this video in court, lol.
It will still be challenged and changed. Alcohol has a scientifically and universally accepted BAC level that "is likely to cause impairment". No such number exists for cannabis nor can one be arbitrarily picked out of a hat. The purpose of the law is to protect the public and it falls well short of achieving that. They need to forget the idea that technology will solve the problem and go back to the basics. A roadside sobriety test and a short conversation will determine if a person is fit to drive. Everything can be recorded and used as evidence for prosecution or defense, so it's no longer the cop's word against the accused.
Using the CBD joint defense will not work - it is illegal to consume cannabis inside your vehicle.

That also should be challenged - as if I am free as a passenger or driver to take my prescription meds in the vehicle, then Cannabis is my prescription med. Charter challenge for sure. I was in the car today again for 4 hours with unbearable sciatic pain. As a passenger I can't medicate? The government should fuck right off from telling me how to treat my pain with legally prescribed medicine.