Petition to remove leftist hero bust from ...

welfare bums?

you need to understand you cannot have any welfare (cash) in this country unless you have two things:

1. children
2. job

you cannot have medicaid (health) in this country unless you have:

1. children
Aren't you on the government dole? I mean, you're always whining you don't get enough, so you must be getting some.. And you quit your job, refusing to let "the man" profit from your labor, and abandoned your children.
Aren't you on the government dole? I mean, you're always whining you don't get enough, so you must be getting some.. And you quit your job, refusing to let "the man" profit from your labor, and abandoned your children.

actually, i believe she just went to her daughter's college graduation.

how are your wife and kids doing, red?
GREAT POST! You should work on it just a bit (just for flow) and call it the 'maybe' speech, kinda like the 'dream' speech MLK made a few years back.

Fucking awesome! Yep, maybe people ARE sick of what's been done to them in the name of political expediency and want real change, as opposed to the watered down corporate funded drivel we've been getting from two parties that no longer represent anyone but their own wallets.