ph 3.8 all mix


Active Member
Hey bro's

Ive been told when growing organic (biobizz allmix) you dont have too worry about soil ph but the run off is 3.8. My plants look well but I just found that abit shocking. I also noticed what looked like a mag deficiency in the younger leaf of one plant. Im thinking perhaps this happened when in light mix because the new growth seems better. However im still more than a little confused. Some many problems look similar to others and I dont wanna make things any worse. I was also thinking heat stress as my temps are 29c but I read that white widow can thrive in these temps without Co2. Lastly I suspect transplant shock but thats just a stab in the dark. Bottom line is im a new grower and I dont know. I seem to be posting alot but early diagnosis is never a bad thing.



Well-Known Member
Well 3.8 seems way to low. Never used that mix. I've been using Roots Organic Original. I ph in a range of 6.2 to 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Take a deep breath it's just plants bro! I'd say that your right about the ph being way too low, I have to wonder if your soil itself is naturally acidic because I can't see your nute solution being under 5


Active Member
I haven't added any nutes apart from superthrive GFF. And I know im right about it being low. But I reserve the right to be concerned and im well aware of what they are thanks. What im not aware of is why and also if I should or should not add something, flush repot or what! Thanks for your input.


Active Member
Really baffled because as you can see for 24 days they look OK . But with soil that has a run off of 3.8 - 4.4?? WTF is going on. Just praying doesn't go tits up thats all.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much. the pic's of the leaves looked pretty healthy except for tip burn, which is prob from the leaf touching the soil, anr the small yellow area. the yellow spot is kinda vague imo, it's probably nothing. runoff ph is not a good way too gauge soil ph anyways, and i would guess that your test result is off a bit. If it was 4.4 your leaves would look alot worse pretty quickly.
in any case - if you do start seeing problems a little dolomite lime would raise the ph and add cal/mag same time.


Well-Known Member
Really baffled because as you can see for 24 days they look OK . But with soil that has a run off of 3.8 - 4.4?? WTF is going on. Just praying doesn't go tits up thats all.
those plants look pretty healthy.


Active Member
Thanks 1itsme I was just trying to find out where I can buy rather than order dolomite lime. Do you know any good organic chelated cal mags on the market. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
cal/mag isn't going to raise the ph afaik it's made out of different stuff (varies by brand but generally it's calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate and iron). dolomite lime is different, you can find it pretty much anywhere you can buy plants.


Well-Known Member
what did you use to test the ph? and yes runoff ph will give you a good idea of the soil ph if you know whats going into it.


Active Member
Sorry water going in was 6.4 when I got a reading of 3.8. I dont know if the testers faulty its less than a month old.


Well-Known Member
what did you use to test the ph? and yes runoff ph will give you a good idea of the soil ph if you know whats going into it.
that's not necessarily true. when you water or feed, there's salts dissolved in solution. when the solution passes thru your soil, it comes into contact with other salts. salts which are more soluble will dissolve into it as it passes thru, and salts which are less soluble will precipitate or bind to soil particles. so testing run off ph will give you a good indication of what rinsed out of the soil, but not whats in it.
there is a method to test soil with a ph pen- you put some soil and distilled water in a clean glass for a while then strain the water and test that. or you can just use a soil test kit. hth


Active Member
Is there any truth in the myth you dont have too worry about ph in organic grows. This is s pic of the same leaf today, the other pic was yesterday. I think it looks slighty worse. I just ordered the dolomite lime should be with me tuesday.



Well-Known Member
if the soil mix is buffered, and everything else is within reason, then you shouldn't need to worry about ph with organic grows afaik.


Well-Known Member
oh, what were you spraying your plants with? that's prob a little splash burn on the second pic.


Active Member
The whitish spots are the residue left from just plain tap water. Its hard where I leave. That combined with the HID I think. I try not to get water on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, you want to spray after lights out if you need to, the drops can cause burns by acting like a magnifying glass.