PH and EC meters


The build quality is worth it for both bluelab truncheon and ph pen. I cheaped out on my first grow and bought the cheapest ec and ph meters i could fine. Readings were completely wrong and i almost lost my babies do to overfeeding and nute lock from off ph readings. Get yourself a bluelab i guarantee you won't regret it. If your low on funds though ph strips are very accurate but you may need a few to make sure ph is good to g


Active Member
I have posted so many times over the past 2 years about this shit! Most will try to tell you otherwise, because they have NOT used this meter! Yes there are other good quality brands out there, but this one plain and simple; just works! I can personally back this product! I have used several different meters over the years, and this one is the cat's ass! It works! Continues to work day in and day out!

I have stated in other threads of how I calibrate it once per grow, just because!(usually does NOT require adjustment, and if it does, it is by a point(2 at max!)

I am a firm believer in spending the money when needed. You can purchase lower quality instruments and will be required to replace them on a much more frequent basis! I have never looked back after purchasing my Nutradip Tri-meter!

There is also a bonus feature of this unit! You can replace probes! So, no need to purchase an entirely new unit ever!


Well-Known Member
many of the cheap pen type PH meters are next to useless they give totally random readings
i would avoid them like the plague , the more expensive PH meters with replaceable probes are the ones to go for
or just use a liquid 6-8 ph test kit they are accurate to .2 which is good enough

the cheap pen type EC meters are not so bad at all, although they tend to measure a little on the low side
full strength 2.0 EC on a freshly calibrated pen measures 2.6 EC on a blue lab truncheon



Well-Known Member
@skunkd0c - it says "The modular design allows to replace the electrode in a fast and simple way"
i was thinking something more like this

this thing cost £130 i have seen similar style with replaceable probes for £90 or so
your one cost £25 from my experience of using a few different similar types in that price rage they are not reliable and give
fluctuating readings


Ye i hear good things from blue lab, but its too expensive for me, and i need a TDS meter as well on top of that. But then again, whats the point if non of these cheaper ones are accurate.


My water PH from the tap after mixed with nutes, and 1 drop of ph down measure about 5.8 in 20 litres of water ebb and flow (yellow in colour with ph tester dye) Do i really need a PH tester worth £100 for 3 plants? im also thinking of moving over to coco coir, as the rock wool idea isnt for me, because i cant keep the water temp down enough, and i rotted 2 stems already..


The Bluelab Guardian is the bomb. I fitted the PH probe and the Temp/PPM probe to my Waterfarm and I can tell you its made me a better grower. having the PPM and PH right there displayed on the meter ALL the time is priceless info. its helped me "dial in" my plants. being able to watch your plant react to different ph levels and different ppm levels is so much easier when you can just glance at the meter and have all the info right there. i wont grow without it again. a lot less work, and a lot better results...for me anyways :joint:...