ph calibration

i have them but again i feel the colors are too close together and from a quick google search most seem to have that problem

does anyone know of any that have more distinct colors between each ph range


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hi people
so i was going to calibrate my ph meter its just one of them cheap $10 yallow meters and it came with powdered ph calibration 4.0 and 7.0 that is mixed with distilled water.

so my question is. do they work and are they accurate enough
i have a cheap 10 yellow one seems to work for me i ditched the salts though and just got some calibration solution from Gh its like 20 dollars or so, leave youre pen in the calibrator when youre done with it keeps it from drying out which leads to loss of calibration and sometimes just a malfucntioning ph pen
does anyone know if that pre mixed ph calibration solution is better then them powdered packs. is it all the same stuff

Pre-mixed will be precise, powdered will be as precise as you make it depending on how accurately you measure. So if you take your time & have good measure volumes precisely it's a great savings. Even more if you just buy the base chemicals.