Ph Defficiency - Need Help


Well-Known Member
So i am currently having issues with my mother plants, the plants are turning yellow, dead brown spots are occuring and the leaves are dying...

I am aware tghat this is due to a low ph in my soil and need to know what the best next steps are? I have added dolomite lime and given the plants a slightly higher than 6ph today... Its my first time growing indoor so im clueless as to how to improve the spilds ph?

I have switched the lights off as the plants are not looking healthy at all... I was thinking that i could flush the plants with water with a ph of 6 tonight and the monitor their re)action to me switching the lights on...

I have been watering them once every 2nd day and goving them seegrow, one cap to a 2l, half of that every 4 days...

Any assitance would be greatly appreciated...
you would be better off watering at ph 6.8 untill the lime kicks in, instead of turning your lights off why not raise them
Are you sure it's a ph problem in the first place OP ...because usually decent soil used for growing MJ will buffer itself would help and what kind of soil did you start with
These are the two plants i have at the moment... They seem to be looking a bit better but i am so worried... Any suggestions?


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So ideally i can balance the ph through watering until the soil itself balances out? I cant tell you about the soil or anything like that has its how i got the mother but she was fine until i gave her nutrients... I think thats where i am going wrong...
So dolomite lime is my best bet then? I unfortunately dont have access to ash as i dont have a fireplace... Anything else i could do?
So dolomite lime is my best bet then? I unfortunately dont have access to ash as i dont have a fireplace... Anything else i could do?
Lime won't save your plants at this point if your ph truly is too low. It just works too slow. Better luck next grow!
So ideally i can balance the ph through watering until the soil itself balances out? I cant tell you about the soil or anything like that has its how i got the mother but she was fine until i gave her nutrients... I think thats where i am going wrong...
what exactly have you fed the plants NPK, and what temps are you keeping them at day and night, i dont think the soil can be that far out for plants that size, did they look healthy when you got them, what are you PH ing their water/feedings at, what is the PH of the run off after you've watered/fed