vinegar lowers ph. I used it a few times. I have not seen any drawbacks. The ph rises after a day when you leave the water in a bucket. Not sure if that happens with commercial ph downs
I use distilled water. At 70 cents a gallon its not that bad and its the closest to ro as i can get. I know distilled water is 7.0 ph. How much vinegar will bring it down close as possible to 5.8ph?
I have about a week before delivery of my ph pen. Just wanted to get a feeding in my baby girl before she dries up. Should i use a tsp per gallon or more? Or less?
Then don't worry about the ph in the early stages the soil will adjust the ph for you just water with what you have for now the soil will continue adjusting PH effectively for 2months learn about Soil and PH
A simple google of your soil brings this as a result
Ocean Forest® is pH adjusted at 6.3 to 6.8to allow for optimum fertilizer uptake. There's no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try an organic blend like FoxFarm Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food to encourage strong branching and a sturdy, healthy growth habit.
See i head and read a few posts here that foxfarms hasn't been very consistent with there ph levels and evey post ive read is ph this and ph that with thete water. Some people are like if you dont have a full ph kit dont even bother to grow at all..
In the long haul PHing is definitely recommended as soil will and does break down. If your in hydro PH is a must! Also PHing is good to know if your plant has any deficiencies it's usually good practice to just PH your run off water. I don't PH at all and I've just harvested a healthy defficient free plant, I did ph my run off out of curiosity and it was almost always 6.4.