PH for hydroponic


I have many charts that say ph of 5.8 is optimum for in door, coco medium.

with a range 5.5 to 5.9, with this in mind there are a few nutrients that are lock out or not used. wich the plant needs. how do you give the plant the nutrients it needs if the ph level needed stops that? could someone help me with me not understanding this problem.
Thank you
Adjust your pH (up or down) to where you need it. A lot of people claim 6.0-6.4 or so is best but do what works for you.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I think pH is a good deal of BS. It depends on the nutes you are using how good their uptake is. Perhaps some are very unforgiving and need a pH of 5.8. One of the reasons I use Humboldt Master A&B is the explanation I got from one of their guys on why they have no uptake issue. They claim any pH from 5.5 to7.0 is fine. I haven't used pH up or down in two years. Humboldt keeps my res steady in the low 6s and that's fine with me. Just remember, it's not the plants requiring the pH level so much as the nutes you use.


I've found this, hope it helps. IS is correct, it depends on what nutes you're using - I'm using FF Hydro nutes. It states to keep between 5.8 - 6.3... I keep mine at a prety steady 6.0, works well.
