PH Help Needed!!!

Stinky Closet

Active Member
I am 4.5 weeks into flowering and fan leaves started turning yellow from the bottom up. This could be either 2 things. Root bound or low PH levels. I suspect PH. I tested tonight and its in the low 6's.

How does one correct this?
Low 6 is fine. could be nitrogen deficincy too.. look more into it. check if your plant is rootbound.........
hardwood ash, bone meal, crushed marble, or crushed oyster shells, potassium hydroxide all work but the best range is 6 -8 so you might want to post a pic as it might not be the prob
Here is a pic from a couple days ago - currently the girls are in bed. The one Im worried most about is in the background. Apologies for the HPS yellow cast. You can see the difference between the fan leaves and the bud leaves.

I did transplant the one in foreground a couple weeks ago since it seemed to experience the same yellowing. Please advise! Thanks!!!


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Ok its simple. at this stage your into flower stage you have changed the nitro level alot. your plant will consume all nutes as it can from the plant. your plant will change and go from growth stage (veg)to preserving its flowers. your feeding should be like 6.4.4 your flower 2 8 4 (your plant is having recieving alot less) if your leaves die off and your buds are lush and healthy dont worry the plant no longer cares about these sun leaves it desires to preserve it self by budding and seeding before it dies at this stage that is every plants normal behavior
Here is a pic from a couple days ago - currently the girls are in bed. The one Im worried most about is in the background. Apologies for the HPS yellow cast. You can see the difference between the fan leaves and the bud leaves.

I did transplant the one in foreground a couple weeks ago since it seemed to experience the same yellowing. Please advise! Thanks!!!

Hi to me it looks like iron deficiency . Iron is essential for the formation chlorophyll this is what makes it green. You may have iron chlorosis. You can add chelated iron to the soil. This may be your problem. Hmm i just relized this post is 3 years old lol.