Ph help plz!

Ok this is my first grow, I'm using FFOF soil in 7gal pots. I've been noticing slow growth and decided to check my PH Runoff for the first time. The plant is 3 weeks old, and the runoff read at 4.0! The water i put in was 7.0 ...I'm not sure how to correct this & need prof advise plz. Thnx


Well-Known Member
from what i've read about FFOF soil, its kinda harsh on plants...have you been giving any nutrients? If so, flush the shit out of that soil with straight water, if you are using tap water check the PPM of it to see if its even useable. You want something less than 200ppm idealy, but even 200ppm is kinda high to me...mine is 78 :D

Did you add perlite to the soil to make it nice and airy? How long does it take to dry out?


Well-Known Member
yeah i wasted a seed starting in OF..i figured id try it and see if the seed could weather the nutrient rich soil..and it couldnt. (it did but it was definitely stunted) and ive read from people on here regarding slow growth when starting in OF.
OK i dont have a ppm meter right now so i'm not sure about that, & im using the drops & vial to test the ph. I can upload a pic soon of the plant, looks healthy in general, its under a 1000w around 6" tall and not bushing out much, nodes are pretty tight though


Well-Known Member
and yea i added a nice amount of perlite also
Did you add any lime to the soil?

I am leaning towards you miss reading the pH test myself. Either way, don't freak out. If the plant is looking healthy then it's probably not an issue.

In the future, add dolomite lime @ one tablespoon/gallon of soil and you won't need to stress out about it.

For now, upload some pics and let's see how it is doing. Keep that 1000 w a good distance away from the plant, especially if it isn't aircooled or you will stress them out.


Well-Known Member
since the runoff is low, could i just add some ph up to the water im watering it with?
You didn't answer my question about the lime...

I will be more willing to answer your questions if you do the same regarding mine. :joint:

The water pH will only gradually effect the soil pH over-time. I highly doubt your soil pH is 4.0 because if it was, your plant would NOT look healthy.

As I mentioned, upload some pics and make sure you are reading the test vial properly.
Yea sorry about that, I didnt use any lime though, just ffof out the bag and added perlite + worm castings. The 1000w is aircooled and is cool to the touch. I've got it about 18" away as of now. I just felt it may be a PH problem because of the slow growth, but i'll upload a pic here in the next 20 min. brb


Well-Known Member
Yea sorry about that, I didnt use any lime though, just ffof out the bag and added perlite + worm castings. The 1000w is aircooled and is cool to the touch. I've got it about 18" away as of now. I just felt it may be a PH problem because of the slow growth, but i'll upload a pic here in the next 20 min. brb
Have you added any nutrients yet?

I have a similar set-up, almost exactly except I use lime. Let's see what it looks like. Take as many pics as possible, and include some of the older, middle, and newer leaves please.


Well-Known Member
i did my first grow in FFOF and never again the ph for me was 5.0 straight outta the bag. i added lime but the ph wouldn't come up at all. so now i use "Just Right" cocoa soiless stuff that GH makes. it's has a ppm of 1300 out of the bag but its actually ph neutral (6.7 - 7). i haven't had a ph problem since
Ok thanks man I appreciate your help and experienced advice! Does the growth rate look normal to you? She'll be 1 month old in 5 days.