Ph in a hydro tub


Well-Known Member
Hey. I am fairly new to hydroponics. I have a 10 gallon tub with 4 plants growing in it.

I have an aquarium pump and a 4 or 5 inch airstone on the bottom. It seems to be working well.

The only thing is I check the PH about everyday and it always goes up. Should I have to regulate the ph daily? I am not feeding them nutes or anything. I put a little bit of superthrive in it but hardly any (which i probably shouldnt have) but how is the ph continuously changing?



Well-Known Member
Yep. With hydro you should check at least daily. I have had to go away on business and left for 3-4 days and havent had any problems. But that isnt exactly good for the plants or anything. My PH normally raises from 5.7 to about 6.0-6.2 in 24 hours. Unless I flush system with clearex and then let plain water run in system for a couple days. I do this every now and then to get rid of built up salts. But after doing this and Im running just water my PH will normally sky rocket for the first 2 days and then it will level out. Im not sure if this signifys that the build up has disapated or what. But thats when I start with my nutes again. But back to the point at hand yes its normal for the PH to fluctuate. Also Im not sure how old your plants are but I dont add nutes for the first couple weeks. And I dont know if Superthrive actuallt does anything or not. Alot of people believe its a God send but I dont really notice a difference. I have used it and it hasnt caused any problems though. I use Botanicare Pure blend. I find it that plants can tolerate screw ups more with it. Screw ups being putting too much in. Also do you have a TDS tester? Not 100% needed but makes life easier. Just start off the nutes VERY LOW. Sorry to keep going on I just drank some of my specialty tea and Im starting to feel it. If ya have anymore questions feel free


Well-Known Member
What are you using to lower your pH?

I recommend using a generic liquid pH down that's sold at hydro stores. It really helped in stabilizing my pH.



Well-Known Member
god my ph is fluctuates insanely at night it sucks, my last grow at a house in a basement it never fluctuated but now in this dam apartment it raises so much. So hmm what actually makes it fluctuate??


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. It helps to have someone to talk to about this stuff. I use General Hydroponics Dry Concentrate PH up and down. How often do you usually change the reservoir? And how do you think i should go about doing it with a ten gallon bucket like i have? Drag to the shower i assume would probably be the best, but i cant imagine it fumbling over and ten gallons swimming through my apartment., haha

and hey 2cimdma youll have to wisen me with your tea ideas. I had the flu last week and couldnt smoke so i tried making tea but it didnt end up working. : /

Alright thanks for the help

Peace and love


Well-Known Member
General rule is change res every 10-14 days. I empty my reverviors out the window, down the bath. If your scared of misshaps get a pump and tubing. Stick the pump in the res and run tubing to your sink or shower.

The tea I drink is poppy tea(opium tea). Just follow the link to my poppy grow journal. I have step by step instructions with pictures for poppy tea. Good stuff in moderation