ph levels and baking soda


Active Member
my ph levels are slightly acidic and im trying to figure out how much baking soda i need to add to get it back to neutral. i dont wanna mess up and end up adding to much


Don't use baking soda. Pulverize some eggshells (that have been rinsed\dried) in a coffee grinder for several seconds. Or if you can, get some micronized dolomitic limestone\garden lime. Start by mixing a tablespoon per gallon of container into the top few inches of soil, water thoroughly and allow for sufficient run-off. After roughly a few cups of water have drained through your container take a run-off sample and check the pH of that. If you need to repeat with a bit more lime until it tests around 7. Once you get there the pH should remain balanced for a month or more.

Egg shell is primarily calcium carbonate, which is the same thing as some brands of garden lime, and oyster shell flour. Dolomitic limestone contains magnesium as well and is preferred for that reason. The lime particles are dissolved slowly (depending on their size) and neutralize acidity over a longer period of time. Baking soda contains sodium, and too much is bad for plants. It also isn't likely to work over the period of time lime would.


Active Member
yeah i completely understand you on the sodium thing with baking soda that wouldnt be good for my plants at all, i could get some garden lime but idk how soon id be able to get my hands on some.
it may be possible that the reason my ph levels are down is because this plant is still a seedling and in a red party cup, it mite not have everything the soil has to offer in its container rite now, caus ive used the same soil mix for my other plants and there ph levels are fine. im soon gonna transplant into a 5 gal.
how much egg shell would you reccomend i add for a 5 gal bucket?
ill wait until i transplant and then check the ph of that, if its still low ill take more action caus the seedling still seems to be alrite rite now it should be fine until transplanting.
i need to get some different potting mix ive had to many problems with this type im using any suggestions on some good potting mix? never tried hydro always soil