Ph levels in my soil


Well-Known Member
Hey there. I’ve been battling my ph levels in my soul. I’m right at 7. Seems I’ve been battling to keep it at 7 for over a month at least. Have been ph ing my water to 6ish before mixing in my micro/grow/bloom for a while now hoping to bring soil level down but my soil reader insists my ph is still at 7. Plants look healthy. I’m week 7 since the switch. Will I be okay at 7 ph? Or should I really flush em or? I just don’t know lol
This is what I do and it seems to work for me. I start by mixing 5 parts of soil with 1 part sand and one part peat moss. The peat moss has a PH of 4. This brings the PH down to around 6.5. Then with nutrients and water that has neutral PH, it all works out to keep the soil between 6.5 and 7.
The 3 part fertilizer I use supposedly can fluctuate the ph accordingly to stay within a healthy range if I understand correctly. Even giving the plants 2 consecutive flushes with below 6 ph water only, and at least 15 percent runoff id say. And soil ph still read 7. Hmmm lol
Thanks for the reply barrow. I will try mixing in some peat moss on my next grow I think if that’s the case.. too late to do much now as I’m almost through my 5th week of flower lol hope my babies all have a strong final few weeks!
The 3 part fertilizer I use supposedly can fluctuate the ph accordingly to stay within a healthy range if I understand correctly. Even giving the plants 2 consecutive flushes with below 6 ph water only, and at least 15 percent runoff id say. And soil ph still read 7. Hmmm lol

Swing test your water and nute water. Then you'll know what the swing is and where to water at.

7 runoff isn't bad at all so don't sweat it.
The leaf tips are slightly coloured. Also, the soil reads 7. I haven’t tested the runoff... do I do that with a ph pen?
I just have a simple 3 way soil meter, yes. My water without being balanced is close to 8 so before I add my nutes I ph down to 6(I test with ph pen) then I add my nutes, but do not test. MGB claims to control the ph accordingly so...
I just have a simple 3 way soil meter, yes. My water without being balanced is close to 8 so before I add my nutes I ph down to 6(I test with ph pen) then I add my nutes, but do not test. MGB claims to control the ph accordingly so...

I've never used them. Like I said, 7 isn't going to hurt it, though I don't like it being there all the time either. Fluctuation is a good thing when controlled.

I'm guessing you can't tune ph with those nutes, but have you ever checked ph after adding nutes just because? I'm curious to see what it would be.
As am I! and feeding is tomorrow and will test levels after nutes. Here is what I use...


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Your approaching soil growing wrong if you think you need to mess with ph let alone try and read it.

Your approching ph up and down wrong if you think they set your soil ph.

I understand that now! Lol I’m just trying to manage at this point until harvest is all. My next grow it sounds like peat moss will be good to add
As am I! and feeding is tomorrow and will test levels after nutes. Here is what I use...

They have a 100% money back guarantee lol.

Just kidding. Anyhow, do you want to post a plant pic of the effected area. Might not have anything to do with ph.
Why are all these soil growers messing with pH so much? Soil isn't hydro where you have a reservoir of nutrient solution that needs to be at a certain pH. Soil is very adaptable. You'll end up with more problems trying to adjust your pH in soil. Those cheap soil pH probes are not accurate and checking soil runoff pH does not give you an accurate measurement of pH at the root zone. If you are using decent soil the pH will take care of itself.
I’m not trying to mess with it lol but I’d like to know what it is. There’s a ph range for soil as well as hydro. I understand soil is very forgiving. I’m just trying to have my plant as accessible to nutrients as possible is all. Go smoke something kingro and take a hike with your attitude. I’m not an expert I’m on my first grow. Chill man....chill wooosa!!!