Ph.levels PLEASE HELP!!


Active Member
I'm haveing trouble getting a STRAIGHT answer on this Question. I'm growing 4 AK-48's in 3 gal. pots in FFOF soil. I've been ph,ing my water at 6.6 to 6.7. Now i buy the "Cannabis grow Bible and it says all water, water nute mix should be ph'ed at 7.0. So witch is right?? I have been having a slight mag. problem i think witch can be caused by a low ph. if i should of been doing 7.0 and i ve been doing 6.6 things have been too low right?? my run off was very low like 5.9 to 6.1. WHAT IS THE RIGHT PH ???


Well-Known Member
You are doing fine, i've allway been told that they grow best in soil with a pH 6.5-7.0

when you grow in hydro you want the pH a little lower, like 5.5-6.5 either way they do best in range of 5.5-7.0 outside of this is where most differences are noticed
at least thats what I go by


Well-Known Member
how is the Fox farm going? i used to run that and liked it. I then ran a 50/50 of ocean forest and happy frog and I really liked that. was easy


Active Member
ph goes up and down for every one of us, your doing fine, dont panic, their feedin diff nutes in diff levels in a controlled bracket, keep going as you know yourself and all will be good;)


Well-Known Member
He is right, 6-7 in soil 7.5 is where i noticed deficiencies in FFOF

Have you noticed white fly's in your grow? I was growing in hydroton for a while and picked up a fresh bag of FFOF for the mothers. shortly there after I had an infestation of white fly's. Those things drove me crazy... Anyhow a friend of mine grabbed a bag of FFOF here recently and he is having the same problem, just wondering if its a usual thing with FF soil.


Well-Known Member
i ran ocean forest for a soild year and never came across a singel white fly. This is my first crop with out running ocean and i know have white flies???? i've heard that before about the white flies though.

i use a blend of roots organic and backyard compst


Well-Known Member
The right PH is 6.5. A well mixed good soil should lower the 7.0 PH water you let it drink down to 6.5 if it is feeding. The PH is going to drift each way, the point is to not let it get out of control.