Ph lockout magnesium

I’m always adjusting after silica usually touch of diluted molasses or super thrive will bring it down amongst others. I wonder if silica will raise soil ph in general regardless of where solution in is adjusted to?
Ya, I think it does. Because I was adding it liberally before I realized it was raising the soil pH, so I cut it out for now. I'm using rice hulls as a mulch, and that provides a slow releasing source of silica anyways.

I know a lot of people are gonna say runoff pH is meaningless, but I think it gives you at least an idea of what's going on in the soil.

I know these guys don't know everything, but I think it's still a helpful link.
I'm old school and wondering why everyone is making an enjoyable hobby over taxing and over priced. Hope they don't smoke and feed t the same time.
Ya, I think it does. Because I was adding it liberally before I realized it was raising the soil pH, so I cut it out for now. I'm using rice hulls as a mulch, and that provides a slow releasing source of silica anyways.

I know a lot of people are gonna say runoff pH is meaningless, but I think it gives you at least an idea of what's going on in the soil.

I know these guys don't know everything, but I think it's still a helpful link.
Right on bredren.
Solid help thank you.
I am gunna back right off silica for a bit and continue to monitor my run off any chance I get because that’s the kind of grower I am.
To each his own.
Excess Potassium can and does lock out Magnesium as well as Calcium. Been down this road myself.
There we go.
I have been leaning on silica lately...
Ph my water down afterwards of course but idk I’ve given quite a few strains in similar containers/sizes regular silica no problem.
Not a huge potassium punch in my pro tech 0-0-3.
Valid point though thank you deffinately something to monitor. I’m ditching the pro tech for a few weeks along with other things.
hmm so your bottled Silica is alkaline? strange isnt it the ortho-silica-acid which the plants need? my powder is pH 6.0 but has very little electrolyte charge - it wouldnt make a difference if amended in soil.
I use Gro-Sil, now called Recycle-Sil powder. It has a pH of 7.0 it says. It works well to bump my water pH a little higher if I want.

My soil pH level rising is really probably just too much Ca in the amendments I've given, like oyster shell flour, gypsum, and crustacean meal as a few. I've cut out that stuff for now and am using other amendments. The Craft Blend from BAS that I was using has a lot of Ca inputs. My well water has some Ca also. I'm still learning the no-till thing and how to listen to the plants and soil, but am getting there.
hmm so your bottled Silica is alkaline? strange isnt it the ortho-silica-acid which the plants need? my powder is pH 6.0 but has very little electrolyte charge - it wouldnt make a difference if amended in soil.
Silica is necessarily alkaline. At neutral pH it turns into a bottle-shaped brick.