Ph Lockout? No Nutes Yet! Spots!


Active Member
Yes, before you do ANYTHING get the PH running correctly.. all the supplements in the world will only confound things if the PH is not allowing the plant to absorb.

I'm no expert.. but in my several grows of experience.. I have come to believe that the secret to a consistent and lush green grow without deficiencies (even if you don't give them nutes they won't have these kinds of issues often) is to simply PH the water each and every time, and in case of problems in soil, check run off.

I grew crop after mediocre crop, sparing with magnesium here, some calcium there, foliar feeding to make up for deficiencies.. burned leaves, spotted leaves.. all kind of things crop up over the years.. and the day I got a 4 dollar dropper test in the aquarium section of Walmart, my problems simply went away.

Healthy Cannabis seems to take to being hungry and showing no real signs of deficiencies other than slow growth ....which is why these days when I see a deficiency, my first thought is to be positive I have the PH correct, and when it is corrected you will know in about 2 weeks ..

Just for anyone else reading thinking about growing too.. I have concluded you are begging for troubles without ph'ng the water.. it is very easy, quick, and you can adjust it with household items in your refrigerator if needed (like lemon juice in a pinch).

Good luck, I bet you get that PH running up and right and you will be smiling this time next week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I had to PM Brick Top and he pretty much confirmed my suspicion of too much calcium in the water.


Active Member
on my last grow i had similar probs and after adding epsom salts it only made matters worse and the plant was a wreck, this grow i am ph ing the water at every watering and ive never seen better looking plants. i ph the water to 6.5 after adding nutes and dont get too much of a difference at run off, also i used to water a bit keenly and i cut right back on that so now they only get water when they are in the red on moisture meter. a lot of times people dont really get an idea of the problem even with pics, its always better to play it safe and take the advice which you think will have the least effect on the plant soes not to make the matter work.
i agree with 333maxwell and if you get the ph sorted you should be on the right track, i dont know if you mentioned but what is it your growing, thats just for my own reference bacause your last grow looked nice apart from being bad if you know what i mean.
good luck with it, myself i use the stuff wjhich phs to 6.5 and removes chlorine from the water sold in pet shops, works a treat for me (someone will come on now and say its


Get a soil ph meter. If under 6.0 use 1 tablespoon garden lime. top dress then pour your water through with regular strength nutes on fox farm grow big read the label. next week no nutes check PH should be rising, next week check ph if still below 6 add 1 more tablespoon, if in the 6.2 -6.4 range and your water is RO 7.0 PH it will correct itself.
1. Never underestimate the power of a $5 bag of garden lime, the shit is magic.


From what I know when you get lower leaves yellowing it means the top is sucking the nitrogen out of the lower leaves because there isn't any nitrogen in the soil. Now the problem is the lower leaves feed the roots so your roots are stressing. I would do a reg grow big feeding, then one more reg, then good flush. Use RO ph 7 water only, or distilled. You can also use the kirkland drinking water with minerals from costco, but not too often.


Well-Known Member
I've only been using distilled for the last few weeks as my tap water is horrible and caused this downward run. I'm more concerned about these new spots than the yellow leaves.

The bottom leaves are yellow and N deficient, but unfortunately I had to sacrifice them to flush out the calcium lock from the water. After the flush, I watered one more time and today I finally fed some FF grow big. Yesterday or the day before I noticed these new dull brown spots. Another problem? I'm hoping it's just a deficiency as I flushed and it couldn't have been nutes as I had not nuted yet. Weird, that it popped up just recently. Hopefully, the nutes today will curb that, but any comments/advice are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Fed Tiger Bloom last week. Just watered with big bloom. THe large one seems to have bounced back and shows a spot or 2 every now and then. The smaller one is being a little bitch. Went into flower Mon 21st
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Well-Known Member
I'm going to keep posting here, mainly for my own journal so I can look at the timeline, but also hopefully to provide some resolution to how these plants ended up. These pics are 2 days shy of a full 3 weeks of flower.
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