Ph Male with Photos Strange Leaf. Please Help!


I think calcium hydroxide is good, but I need confirmations pleas. Also please help me decide if 13light/11dark is also ok? will it triger flowering? I read that yes but I just want to make sure. I don't want lower the yeld on Lowrider.

Los Muertos

Active Member
Yeah, calcium hydroxide is just hydrated lime. You CAN use it, but it's usually not recommended.
You have to be really careful to not over do it or it'll burn your plants. Don't get any on you or
breath it either. Might wanna wear gloves/eye protecton/dust mask. That might be a little excessive,
but hydrated lime can be dangerous. I got a tiny bit in my eye years ago and it turned the white part
blood red. I don't know if that's a normal reaction or not, but it was very painful. I haven't used it

I've also heard that 13/11 is ok for flowering, but couldn't confirm it.


Well-Known Member
I read the thread on PH, so I guess I should add some lime. Hope I can correct the problem. To make sure I understand it correctly, i should sqeeze the liquid out of the lime and sprinkle the lime on the removed 1 inch soil.
ty for the new sig....


I will be carefull.

So how much should I use? I have 6 gallon pots. I should put 1/2 inch of calcium hydroxide? and then cover it with 2 inch soil. I have space since the soil shrinked a little (normal).
And after that I should continue to use the PH 6.4 balanced water? I am used to add 0.0169 oz vinegar to 0.4 gallon of water (sure check PH after with Hanna electronic). I am using white vinegar, that contains only vinegar?

Also please confirm the 13light/11dark. Will it work to force flowering ?


airflow is assured by a big centrifugal fan trough a carbon scrubber. But only in the light time. In the night the fan is off, because it would be to cold inside the box.


btw, is lemmon juice better then vinegar? It's natural.

IAm5toned : I deserve it, but I didn't lnow what lime is. And I was in the hurry on the guerrilla wireless internet I am using. I am too paranoid to use the home one. I am also paranoid to order stuff online, or to visit the only grow shop that's in my city.

I am still waiting for a reply for 13/11 and for how much Calcium hydroxide should I use.

Los Muertos

Active Member
I will be carefull.

So how much should I use? I have 6 gallon pots. I should put 1/2 inch of calcium hydroxide? and then cover it with 2 inch soil. I have space since the soil shrinked a little (normal).
And after that I should continue to use the PH 6.4 balanced water? I am used to add 0.0169 oz vinegar to 0.4 gallon of water (sure check PH after with Hanna electronic). I am using white vinegar, that contains only vinegar?

Also please confirm the 13light/11dark. Will it work to force flowering ?
You'll need VERY little calcium hydroxide. Start with about a tsp (5ml?). Evenly distribute on the surface and water really good.
Give it a day or so and test your ph. You may have to do it a few times to get it where you want it to be, but I wouldn't add more
than 1tsp at a time. It works fast and it's very powerful. Whatever you use to measure it, wash really good after or (better yet)
use it exclusively for growing.


OK, thanks. So just distrubuite it evenly and not cover with soil. OK, I will do it in two days, the next watering.

Thanks again for everything. I will go online in two days, to see maybe you can reply about 13/11 . I read on books that it's OK, but I just want to double check.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Florida harvesting in the summer - help please

My plants will be ready for harvest in a few weeks. When I harvest during the winter the weather is perfect for harvesting and drying. Unfortunately, the weather during summer is everything not wanted with high heat and humidity.

Because I cannot bring the plants in the air conditioning I will have to try to dry outside. After the drying phase I will put them in jars and can then bring them inside.

Does anyone have experience with drying under these conditions?

Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thanks​


Los Muertos

Active Member
From everything I've read 13/11 is ok, but I've never done it. I'd hate to tell you it's
definately ok and then something go wrong. Maybe start another thread specifically
about the 13/11 question. I'm sure someone that knows a lot more than me will let
you know. Hope everything works out for you.

edit:Honestly, I would just go 12/12 with your LowRyders. You're not gonna lose that
much anyway. I don't think that extra hour would be worth risking whatever else you've
got going on.


Well-Known Member
btw, is lemmon juice better then vinegar? It's natural.

IAm5toned : I deserve it, but I didn't lnow what lime is. And I was in the hurry on the guerrilla wireless internet I am using. I am too paranoid to use the home one. I am also paranoid to order stuff online, or to visit the only grow shop that's in my city.

I am still waiting for a reply for 13/11 and for how much Calcium hydroxide should I use.

lol, no harm meant man.
no one was born knowing how to do this stuff.... it just gave me a good laugh ;)


Active Member
I use 18/6 light on the veg then I’ll go to 12/12 when the good shit starts to appear and if your really into growing check out ebay for some ph up/down might as well just spend some cash and get it now and have it if you can’t find anything at your local stores.


Thansks for your replies. Well, I went ahead and used a tsp of calcium hydroxyde on each bucket. Tomorrow I will measure the ph. What I observed until now, is that a bucket with three plants (the ones from the pictures) are showing something different. The tops are a little bend down, but just a little. And one of them has two lower leafs a little soft. I think it's not good, but I will tell more tomorrow after I measure the ph. Maybe it's overwatering, since I used a lot of water after the calcium hydroxyde. The thing I am scared is maybe I raised the ph all of a sudden, and I read that it must be raised 0.1/day. Maybe they are stressed and need some time to recover. If they are indeed males (I also think so) then no big deal about it.

I will deffinitevly get some Lime, but I don't want to order it online. It's not about the cash, I just want to sleep well at nights. This round is almost over, but I will prepared next round.

I have one more question about temperature. The ideal temp is 21(70f)-26(80f) celsius, I read about this. My question is, where should one measure this temp in a grow box. Meaning, if you measure at the top of the plants, it's very near the light source (heat source) so the temp will be higher. If you measure near the ground level (roots level), of course it will be much lower. So I guess the best to measure it somehow in the middle of the plant, but I need your confirmations.

Regarding ventilation, let's say the outside temp is 18C(64f) can the intake be direct on the roots level of the plants. On my setup I used a duct to direct the air at 90 degrees down, and I made some small holes into the duct to send some week air curents to the middle-tops of the plants (if the ecurrent is not blocked by leafs). Is it ok? or I should let the air current directly on the lower side of the plants, with the whole power. This will help me, because the strong current will cool down the box, the fan will be off when it's cooled, and the CO2 generator will be used. (I plan to use some diy generators, with sugar, water and yeast, I read about them in a book).

Los Muertos

Active Member
I have one more question about temperature. The ideal temp is 21(70f)-26(80f) celsius, I read about this. My question is, where should one measure this temp in a grow box. Meaning, if you measure at the top of the plants, it's very near the light source (heat source) so the temp will be higher. If you measure near the ground level (roots level), of course it will be much lower. So I guess the best to measure it somehow in the middle of the plant, but I need your confirmations.
I try to measure temps at the top of the plant, but I understand that's not always possible. My thermometer has a long cord attached with a
probe on the end so you can measure different areas.