PH Meter 4 Sale


Active Member
Using Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect no need to do ph testing. It always tests at 5.8 but it self adjusts anywhere between 5.0-7.0 . I'm using ffof with 25% growstones and it looking good :clap: Best Offer! Good Condition!
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Well-Known Member
I have the same pH pen and retired it a couple years ago when I started using pH Perfect nutes. Been using AN for 15 years and the pH Perfect part only made them even easier to use.

I'll start the bidding on mine at 50¢. :lol:



Well-Known Member
You can get $20 ppm pens that work for decades but cheap pH pens die pretty quick. That one the OP put up cost me about $70 but it was going to cost $50 + tax + shipping to get a new probe for the $150 one that died. I was in a huge garden center and saw that one so wtf.

I can usually get 5 - 7 years out of a good pen tho. Storing in proper storage soln' really helps and if you don't have that then you can use some pH 4 or 7 calibration sol'n half and half with RO water to prolong the probe's life. NEVER store in plain water especially RO or distilled.
