Ph Meter


Active Member
hey, need to get myself a PH test kit
dont know much on the subject but does anyone recommend any websites etc.

i will be using this ph tester to test the ph of soil not hydroponics, this is why i dont really know what to go with.
appreciate any help,


Active Member
Hey BooBerry,

I just received mine in the mail yesterday and am very pleased with it. It comes with a mounted holder so you can just attach it to the lip of a gallon pitcher without having to hold it while you stir and add pH up or pH down. Run your water through your soil and then test the runoff water. It's the best way to test your soil. Most soil pH meters are crap and don't work very well. Just my $0.02. Take care, bro. Check it out...

Hanna pHep4 Digital pH / temp Waterproof Meter Tester

Peace bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Ok let me clear the air....i have one of the hannas above that Txrooster has. And well its sucks ass. Sorry man, as you are a fellow member at, Im trying to look out for you. The calibration was always messing up and the read out would be sketchy sometimes. i have now upgraded to a oakton and let me tell you it is 100%better. And those soil ph meters that you buy a lowes sucks ass as well. Why test the soil ph? just check the run off like rooster said. peace

ps. and yes I have owned that rapist ph meter that you buy at hardware stores, so i am not just basing my opinion on BS.


Well-Known Member
no dude, the meter doesn't do anything. It's a complete scam.

but that's not the only sensor everyone's talking about here. There's a hannas one that someone else liked but someone else didn't. You might give that one a try.

Rapitest is just junk. Hell, if you want I'll send you mine for free.


Well-Known Member
I'm not well domesticated, it's one of the perks of being permanently single. Please don't take it personally if I use terms like Man and Dude for all genders.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can have my rapiest also bc its junk. growing without a good way to determine PH is like growing blind. So invest the money and make it easy and accurate...


Well-Known Member
thanks for having a sense of humor! :D
when do send me that damn ph-meter dude?;-) no you can keep it, i will stick to my good ol' hanna:-D

by the way, so there is no comman recomandation for a good quality ph-meter here? i just asking because those hannas are manufactured in china as everythin else, so nobody knews a special model just for gardening?:neutral: