Well. Yes it will work? It probably wont be the most accurate, but should work relatively well. Probably hard to calibrate and needs it a lot of the time, so make sure you get both solution and how to do it. it will probably take 30-40 seconds to register the ph as well, it may not seem like a lot but wait till your high and doing it multiple times or whatever, it will annoy you at some point.
They all will do an adequate job it really boils down to how accurate, how much calibration/adjustment and time to read settings for your choice. No one can answer that but you, I chose Blue Labs its 300 but worth every penny, because I grow in hydro DWC and water is my soil I want the best device to read that so I can troubleshoot or stay out of trouble.
I have had them all Hannah, Milwaukee, TriDip and my Blue Labs is by far the easiest, most accurate, fastest meter to date. I love it, I only wish both ppm and ph probes were detachable.