Drops don t give you the accuracy
Drops are for fish tanks and swimming pools.
It takes around 60 seconds to calibrate a pen..The dropper method you are using will be useless if you are using anything in your water to color it such as sea weed juice or humic acids.Step 1: Erase the thought of a PH Pen from your mind
Step 2: Buy the general hydroponics ph tester kit for 5-10 bucks
Step 3: Use the dropper and life will be beautiful
---- The main reason I tell you to forget the ph pens is that the calibration on every single one from 20 bucks to 300 bucks requires you to calibrate them ALL the time. If you don't calibrate them you will end up with a nutrient lockout thinking your ph is perfectly fine when it is wayyyy away from what you want ---
3 years doesn't make me a professional but my job was to tend the ladies for our collective and we threw away every single ph pen due to this reason.
We went to an expo for work and got sucked in to a ph pen by Myron L company. I'll say this I have four of them hanging on a screw put in the wall and will never use them again. Good thing I didn't have to buy them. At first glance or test they work flawlessly, your assuming you found a good meter. After about a week of use it dwindles down in quality. Week two from the time you realize its a P.o.s. It needs constant recal and still doesn't give "solid" or trustable readings. It just couldn't handle reading with nutrients in the water. If it was just plain water the life of the meter lasted longer. These do have a probe replacement for them but still.I have the $100 blue labs ph pen... I learned the fuckin hard way the ph drifts around and needs to be calibrated frequently (at least mine does). The only thing I really like about it is that it's water-proof and displays the temp. I don't think it is possible to replace the probe on the model I have.
If you can read the drops.Your not using enough humic and seaweed.If you can't read the ph drops your color blind.
I know huh lol. But as said they stand behind the product! Well the shop did, brought it in and replaced for free.crapped out?bluelab?
Arn't you even a bit curiuos as to what the PH is lol?i do not take ph measurements or regulate it with any additions, i allow it to fluctuate
not everyone can do this i guess, folk who have bad quility tap water, or have to use r/o