pH on first DWC grow


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am going to transplant my seedlings into a 8 x 4" net pot DWC system, and was hoping to get some advice on what the pH of my nutrient solution should be if I am adding B vitamins to it as well, and also using Hydroton as a grow medium.

Help! :)


Well-Known Member
Try to aim for 5.8 to 6.2 for your ph 5.8 being ideal and water temp about 68 degrees F and keep your nute ppm low around 100 to 150 for a few days so your plants can adjust nicely than jump it up to about 300 to 400 when you start seeing roots dangiling from the net..B1 is good to add as a supplement,but do spend some cash on a good grow nute.Do you have the neccesary tools to check your ppms?If not THEY ARE A MUST!.Its money well spent.


Well-Known Member
Try to aim for 5.8 to 6.2 for your ph 5.8 being ideal and water temp about 68 degrees F and keep your nute ppm low around 100 to 150 for a few days so your plants can adjust nicely than jump it up to about 300 to 400 when you start seeing roots dangiling from the net
Is there any way to lower the pH without using extra nutes? I am also experiencing a tiny bit of light burn, but the water temp is at 70.4 F. and the outside temp is 76 during the day, and 65-70 at night. Are these temp settings too far out of the range?

Nuting - I am using the flora series (1/4 normal dosage) seedling growth and superthrive (1/2 normal dosage). Is that too little as well?
that seems like a bit much. how old are they? if they under 2 weeks i would advise not to use much if any nutes at all because it's too easy to burn them. and i keep my ph no greater than 6.5 but it's usually smack dab at 6 and will go up a couple points every couple days when new nutes need to be in. however keep in mind that just because nute level have gone down there can still be nutrients the plant hasnt used and adding more nutes can make these level higher witch can cause lockout or nute burn. so i change the solution and water every week


Well-Known Member
that seems like a bit much. how old are they? if they under 2 weeks i would advise not to use much if any nutes at all because it's too easy to burn them. and i keep my ph no greater than 6.5 but it's usually smack dab at 6 and will go up a couple points every couple days when new nutes need to be in. however keep in mind that just because nute level have gone down there can still be nutrients the plant hasnt used and adding more nutes can make these level higher witch can cause lockout or nute burn. so i change the solution and water every week
What is lockout? I think that it was light burn the first time very mildly but I will take some pictures to post up later today. How does changing the water prevent lockout as well?


Well-Known Member
Not sure but i think hes telling you to change the water every week for a few weeks so that thier doesnt become a buildup of nutrients , as that can cause a lockout of other nutrients getting absorbed into the roots. Flushing and cleaning your system every change can also prevent buildup of salts and calcium aswell as they could burn/cause nutrient lockout aswell. Do what i do make up a batch of mix in like a gallon jug and shake it and maybe even put a bubblestone in it (also using hot water seems to dissolve the minerals faster) after maybe an hour i check the PH and PPM of it if its in range then i make the rest of the mix that i need (5 more gal. 10 more gal. ETC) Good luck


Well-Known Member
Not sure but i think hes telling you to change the water every week for a few weeks so that thier doesnt become a buildup of nutrients , as that can cause a lockout of other nutrients getting absorbed into the roots. Flushing and cleaning your system every change can also prevent buildup of salts and calcium aswell as they could burn/cause nutrient lockout aswell. Do what i do make up a batch of mix in like a gallon jug and shake it and maybe even put a bubblestone in it (also using hot water seems to dissolve the minerals faster) after maybe an hour i check the PH and PPM of it if its in range then i make the rest of the mix that i need (5 more gal. 10 more gal. ETC) Good luck

I have included pictures of the setup / I cannot tell if it is a slight nute burn because it is the middle of the leaves on one or two that have become a light brown and spotty (only one leaf has a single browned tip on a different plant). The ppm in the solution is 191 after just measuring it and have better ventilation (no fanning was on it before or barely) which could explain the burning in the first place. Temp picture and humidity included as well (generally is in 40's with door closed.) and temp was higher in the 80's before and managed to cool it down over a few hours and different rigging. It probably is just light burn, but I am hoping for more opinions and really am not wanting to kill them since it is my first grow!!! There is a solution of flora grow series + B vitamin and they all 1/4 of the normal seedling dosage per gallon (w/ exception to the B vitamin which recieved 1/2 normal dose per gallon)... HELLPPPPP!!! :)



Well-Known Member
I have included pictures of the setup / I cannot tell if it is a slight nute burn because it is the middle of the leaves on one or two that have become a light brown and spotty (only one leaf has a single browned tip on a different plant). The ppm in the solution is 191 after just measuring it and have better ventilation (no fanning was on it before or barely) which could explain the burning in the first place. Temp picture and humidity included as well (generally is in 40's with door closed.) and temp was higher in the 80's before and managed to cool it down over a few hours and different rigging. It probably is just light burn, but I am hoping for more opinions and really am not wanting to kill them since it is my first grow!!! There is a solution of flora grow series + B vitamin and they all 1/4 of the normal seedling dosage per gallon (w/ exception to the B vitamin which recieved 1/2 normal dose per gallon)... HELLPPPPP!!! :)
Also, the temp is down to 71-75 above and 68 in the water. ppm was lowered slightly by adding more water.... STILL NEED HELLPP!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I had a similar setup but i never used that big of CFL's on it, maybe back it off abit they dont need that much light when they young really. You could always take out abit of solution in like a glass and top feed like 4 times a day for a few days, but sometimes plants just have weird marks on them when they start out. Keep the air flowing, oxygen from the bottom and humidity right they should be just fine =). Ohh and get yourself a PH kit and use PH down and up as needed, youll probably need down as you arent using alot of nutes, distilled water works great if your tap water is to high on the PH