Ah shit, thanks for clearing that one up for me too, Ive had my Ph go too far down a few time and added Ph up to fix it... if your not supposed to use it to go up than its pretty useless to me cause im never gunna want to bring my Ph up with the nutes Im using... unless I was putting 4000ppm or something rediculous... so cant see the use of it really
I was thinking using the Ph up along with Ph down was probably not a good idea but hadnt read anything about it anywhere so I just did it anyways. thanks for the clarification on that. Just watered my little plants again today, it feels good to wash out the old nutes and know your getting a nice fresh mix in there for them, I am seeing some pretty fast growth now with them 1 foot from the MH and there not burning just reaching up for the light and loving it. I wont be able to water them for another week because they are pretty small for the 1 gallon pots they are in, can that be bad having them in pots that are too big for them(Because of it taking so long betwen waterings)?
thanks for the help, this site is keeping my plants green