Ph problem, keeps raising

i have 30-40 gal of tap water in a container. as of now the only thing in it is a air stone, when i first filled the container up my PH was 8.2' (i am using a top notch ph meter) so i added ph down to try to get it in the range of 6.8-7.2. it seems that i need a good bit of ph down to bring it to the level i want. once i get it to that range it will shoot back up within 3-4 hours it goes back up to 8.2ish range. so what i need help with is understanding what and why my PH keeps raising for no apparent reason ITS DRIVING ME NUTTS!! (i am growing in soil but figured the hydro forum would be the place to ask my question about water) and thank you in advance for any help. i appreciate it soooo much..


Well-Known Member
If you're growing in decent soil with some lime pH is not your problem unless you are watering with some extremely bad water.

Chances are you are fucking it up in some other way. I've grown indoor and out for quite a while and don't give pH a thought, don't even have the capability to measure it. Just add lime, preferably dolomite, and you are golden. Of course all the minions that have spent (wasted) good $ on pH meters will point out how ignorant I am.
BUDS: what is 50% H2O2@ 1:1000 mean? lol i have no clue what that is?

AimAim: i did put lime in the soil and it is dolomite also i didnt fuck anything up, everything is fine i just have a resivour with 30-40 gals of water that fluctuates every 4 hours or so.. i had it down to 6.8 last night and just about 2 hours ago i measured it again and it was 7.9. i dont understand how it can go up like that for no apparent reason? but i think i will go with your thing and just water it and let the lime do the work.. i have grown veggies before and had the same problem with the ph shooting up.. i just want to know how to keep it at the level i want

PURPLEKUSH: i am using something called TOP FIN ph decrease

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I'm not a scientist but I'd have to suggest that your water is heavy in carbon. I use dolomite lime and plant ash to balance my hydro. You might try a batch ph'd with dolomite lime. It won't take much dolomite lime and be sure it's mixed in well. I use my pump and airstone to do the mixing and when i fugure it's good i hook the pump back to the table and the airstone keeps the mix going.
BIRD U ARE THE FUCKING MAN!!! i was wondering if i could add dolomite to my water. thank u a million times. so if i add dolomite it will keep the ph at 7.0 correct?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing? Would it not be better to have nutes in there as well? Would it not change everything when nutes are added? Sorry super newb here lol.
it is staying at 7.9, i dont understand how p.h. can just jump up magically after i get it in the 6.8-7.0 area. i want to know wtf causes it to do that. i am baffled :confused: